Thursday, November 4, 2010


Generally I devote my Thursday afternoons to restoring some order to this living space we sometimes refer to as "The Sty". It makes me feel better, however futile it might be, to get things spic and span and back under control. Today I just can't seem to muster the motivation. It's been one of those weeks. Instead I have devoted my Thursday afternoon to eating caramel apples, uploading pictures (sloooooooowly) onto Facebook, and catching up on blogs (others' as well as my own). A blogger I regularly enjoy has participated previously in National Blog Posting Month (or NaBloPoMo, as the website cleverly dubs itself) and is doing so again this month. This is a site devoted, quite simply, to challenging bloggers to post something every day of the month. I blog. Therefore I am a blogger. And as such I have decided to take on this challenge. I realize I have missed the first 3 days of the month of November. But I posted twice today, so I figure then I'm only down 2 posts, and no one is going to make a federal case out of two little posts. Right? RIGHT?! Ahem.
Since I've given you such food for thought as pee in a cup, I'll just count these as my first posts and leave it at that.

1 comment:

SRR said...

Hooray! Now I can have a new blog entry to read everyday. Oh, and I want those other two posts by the way. And I will make a federal case of it.