Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Just Not That Mom

~ My kids do not match, coordinate, or otherwise look as if they belong together. Heck, most days they're not even all that clean.
~ My house gets a weekly dose of being pseudo-clean, is sometimes tidy (probably if you're coming over I've raced around to get it looking halfway spiffy), and is not adorably decorated.
~ Whatever is available and remotely edible is substituted for nutritious, well-thought-out snacks. Don't even get me started on anything homemade.
~ Arts and crafts in my home equal coloring and Play-doh.
~ I do not adhere to the American Academy of Pediatrics daily recommended tv limitation. This also goes for the Wii and the computer.
~ In lieu of carefully planned out and artfully executed birthday celebrations you will receive some balloons and streamers mounted in your honor, a gift (though it may technically be from the grandparents and not me), and a McDonalds dinner.

I regularly feel some level of shame about these things and would like to see some of them change. And I know that these things are not the truly important parts of being a mom, but it's easy to lose sight of that in light of our culture and playing the comparison game. Ultimately, I know that none of you who truly know and love me hold any of these things against me. A reason why I'm so glad to know and love YOU. Now if I could just stop holding them against myself and get my fanny off the Guilt Express, we'd really be cookin'. (Oh yeah, I don't really do that either....)

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