Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Truth

I have been troubled lately by a startling lack of truth in our world today. Maybe it's more appropriate for me to say I am troubled by the startling ABUNDANCE of truth(s). The conversations around me are saturated with words like "tolerance" and "relative" and "what works for you". I find it disconcerting and confusing, to say the least. What I hear these days leads me to believe that we kind of just want to do our own thing.
Well, duh.
We're looking for freedom. Freedom from limitations, restrictions, consequences, anything at all that would dare infringe on our inherent right to happiness. So be careful if you carry with you a message that even remotely reeks of intolerance. As I do.
You see, I'm a Christian. The most heinous abuser of tolerance there is, according to general society today. It's like a punch in the face when I witness how outraged some people automatically become the second you slap that label on yourself. The offensive message I carry is that I know, personally, a loving God who desires to have a close relationship with me. And I want you to know and love Him too. But that's not what people hear in my message. What they hear is that I am intolerant. I hate homosexuals, Buddhists, abortionists, and anyone else who doesn't think the way I do. (I don't, for the record.) Because I take it literally when Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6), I am ignorant and unaccepting.
It makes me sad. Not just because I REALLY really don't like it when people don't like me. I have a pride issue, I know. But it makes me sad that people have totally misunderstood Jesus' message. Yes, he IS intolerant. (what???) He is intolerant of our sin. Because he wants BETTER for us. He was mocked, abused, unpopular, downright hated, bring us better. And when he says "I am the way", he doesn't say it to be restrictive and take away our freedom, he says it to GIVE us freedom. To give us life "to the full" (John 10:10). God didn't come as a man to win any popularity contests, people. He came to give life and save us from ourselves. Yes, he asks that we give up our lying, thieving, covetous, materialistic, promiscuous, drunken lifestyles. But in exchange he wants to give us ABUNDANT LIFE.
I guess I am just saddened by the fact that rather than speaking the truth in love, there are a wealth of people who are trying to speak a message of love while abandoning the truth. But their message is one of emptiness when it doesn't include Jesus and what he did for us. And I guess I'm just frustrated because I don't really know how to convincingly get across my message in a postmodern world that will respond with "Whatever works for you".
Well, I'll tell you what works for me. God's absolute truth. Am I perfectly submitted to it yet? No. I still wage war with the world on this point. But I have found Jesus' words to hold truer than anything the world has shown me yet.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid...I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 14:27, 16:33)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back to Basics

It all seems to come back to this:
1)Read the Word
2) DO it
3) Pray and Listen
4) Live by faith

Simple, right?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pity Partay

Dearest loved ones (because, truly, you must love me if you keep coming back here), I struggle lately with feeling that I have anything worthwhile to say. I could bog you down with tales of how everyday I feel just a little more overwhelmed by my life. I could depress you with the regrets that I wear to bed each evening lately. I could list for you the shows that I become more engrossed with the longer I keep my subscription to Netflix. I could put out there my huge list of "Improvements to Make" or whine about how badly I want a vacation. But none of this seems very grateful or fulfilling. I'm not sure what my deal is lately. I can't seem to get a grip or to live out that word: GRATEFUL. I am. I really am so grateful for the life that I have, for the people in it, for the God who has made it all possible. But I don't feel it these days. I'm not living it. I feel lost and confused. I look around me and see all these people who have direction! focus! a purpose!
(This might be a good time to make a pitch for what I really think I need: a personal assistant/trainer/nutritionist who also has nannying, cooking, and house-cleaning skills. I think that would pretty much take care of my issues. Wouldn't you agree?)
There's not much point to this post other than to have a little pity party. I'll get back on track. Just struggling a bit right now is all. Maybe say a little prayer for me and let me know how you get through these kinds of moments.