Sunday, November 28, 2010

No Tannenbaum

I am ALL for traditions. This is by far my favorite time of year, and I am absolutely giddy about all of the preparations, celebrations, and decor. With that said, we made the decision this year to forego a tree. I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty devastated at first. Part of the reason, honestly, is that I just don't have it in me to continuously put down efforts made by Grayson, the human tornado, to dismember my tree. But also, I had to question my initial reaction to the very idea of "Christmas Without a Tree". While I like to think I'm able to keep the correct perspective on the Reason for the season, I can see that the last several years I've really fallen in to the trap of focusing on buying the perfect gifts (cost be darned), decorating "perfectly" (as perfectly as things ever get in this house), etc. etc. I don't mean to say that any of these Christmas traditions is inherently wrong. There's just MORE to this holiday than that, and I keep wondering if James and I are truly teaching our kids the right message about Christmas. Is there something more/different/radical, even, that we could be doing? I'm certain the answer is yes. For this year, what this will look like is not having a tree adorning our front window, waiting for its plethora of presents to protect. I also want us to look more intentionally than we have in the past for opportunities to spread the message of Christmas to those who might not otherwise hear it.

*Disclaimer: I did end up breaking down and buying a dinky tree for the boys to decorate and put in their room. And I have been pushing pretty hard the idea of putting lights on the house for the first time ever. I didn't say I was ready to throw in the towel on Christmas decorating altogether. :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Count your blessings, name them one by one

1) The unconditional love and mercy of God
2) My hubby. He's a-ma-zing.
3) My kiddos. I complain, I know. But they are pretty stinkin' great.
4) My parents - how blessed I have been to have them raise me and remain so closely in my life
5) Siblings! Both by birth and marriage. Sharing life with you is a privilege
6) Laughter and having so many reasons to use it
7) Health - not just for me but for almost everyone in my life at this moment. For those I know and love who are struggling in this area, I'm so thankful for modern medicine and caring doctors.
8) Living in a country that, even with all its problems, affords me freedoms so many can only imagine
9) Friends I have known for years and are still willing to be associated with me (some even for my entire life!)
10) New friends
11) People who challenge me to think, act, know better
12) Books
13) Vehicles that (usually) run great and get me where I need to go (even if sometimes they have to be bribed with ridiculous things like, oh, new brakes. What gives?)
14) Enough to eat and then some
15) My humble abode. It works plenty good to keep us sheltered from the elements, and we have lots of great memories here.
16) My extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. So many people in my life that fill me (and now my kids) up with love!
17) Incredible in-laws. Not everyone gets the privilege of marrying into such an amazing family.
18)All 4 of my grandparents being a part of my boys' lives. Watching the relationships they're forming is priceless.
20)CenterPointe church - God is working!
21) Sunshine
22) Living in a place where I can experience the majesty of God's creation through all 4 seasons (even though I tend to get grumpy about snow)
23) The wonders and convenience that modern technology affords
24) James's job and the fantastic people he works with/for
25) God's provision for all our needs plus a lot of our wants too
26) Christmas - a time to specifically reflect on the incredible love of God to send His son to earth so that we would not remain lost.
27) Music
And the list goes on........ Now the trick is to reflect on this EVERY day of the year!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I loooooove music. Love it. I love how songs can say what I struggle to, how each different tune I hear can evoke a different emotion. In recent years (much to my husband's chagrin - thank goodness for DVR so I can now tape and watch without his commentary) I have fallen in love with the show "Glee". Even more recently, I fell a little out of love with it, to be honest, due to increasing crassness and some episodes that were, quite frankly, an insult to my faith (Grilled Cheesus episode, anyone?). But last Wednesday, after a VERY long day with the chillens, I was delighted to watch my taped episode from the night before and see some tunes that were just plain fun, including the one below. I included it here for your viewing pleasure, as I go and continue packing for our trek to Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving with the fam.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Today's post can be found here.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I'm fairly apolitical, to which my more politically inclined friends could probably attest. At best, I'm indifferent (I heard the audible gasp from some of you political passionates). If I was forced at gunpoint to put a label on myself I guess I'd probably go with Republican, since, in general, my moral standards and beliefs tend to line up with that camp. Sometimes I wish I could muster up some sort of patriotic gumption. Not that I hate my country because I do NOT - I am deeply grateful for the freedoms and opportunities I have here. I am just completely jaded by the way things have been/are run and have no confidence whatsoever in a government where the name of the game is being politically correct and re-electable rather than the best interest of the people.
Today I saw a bumper sticker that read, "At least when Clinton lied, nobody died". I can only assume this is meant to be some sort of political statement trashing the Bush era, perhaps the war on terror? In any case, my thought after reading this was: REALLY?! Really. This is our standard now? But it is! Sadly, it is. It's all about opting for the lesser of any number of evils rather than having any absolute truth or moral code. Looking at what will be the least detrimental to the majority (or to those running the show, however you choose to look at it). And it's sad and scary and sometimes horrifying, and if I didn't know Who already held the future in His hands, I'd probably be ready to jump ship and give Canada or Western Europe a try.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Once upon a time, in my former life, I was a teacher. You perhaps knew this. There are days when I have the itch to get back in the classroom: to interact with and build relationships with the kids/teachers/parents, to guide and direct the structure and layout of my days (within the confines of that blessed schedule administration so arduously creates), to get those creative juices flowing while planning lessons/organizing and decorating the classroom. There's no doubt that when June arrives there is such satisfaction derived from looking back over the course of the year and seeing the fruits of my labor in the form of bonds made with the kids and successes they have achieved. I would love to delve deeper into the vast array of learning styles that kids enter into the classroom possessing and to become more equipped to help children who struggle, perhaps through earning a degree in special education.
Other days I think that I'd love to pursue a career in the writing industry. I'm particularly interested in editing/proofreading. NERD ALERT! I just love language! I can remember sitting in 6th grade, diagramming sentences, welling up with pride and satisfaction as I fit those sentence pieces into their place in the puzzle. I sometimes sit and dissect a sentence that was just spoken, naming each part of speech.
Wow. Even I am sitting here aghast at the depths of my dorkiness right now.
Along with pulling language apart, I also love the flip side: piecing it together into a work of writing. When I was younger I would spend HOURS writing stories (and, for a brief stint in high school, poetry). I wasn't all that great at actually finishing any but still, the bug was there. It's never left. It's just been buried under academic pursuit, career choice, and now children. It's that hobby that always gnaws at you: could I make this a career? Most days I think I'm just too chicken to try. And I certainly wouldn't know where to start.
I'm not really all that concerned about what the future holds for me career-wise. God has guided me thus far and has, for now, given me the most crucial job of all: Mom. But sometimes it's fun to dream about what could still be coming; to wonder at how I'll be able to use the gifts and talents and passions He has instilled in me. And, let's face it, sometimes it's just nice to know that my job description won't always include "nose-wiper and diaper-changer extraordinaire!"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Just Not That Mom

~ My kids do not match, coordinate, or otherwise look as if they belong together. Heck, most days they're not even all that clean.
~ My house gets a weekly dose of being pseudo-clean, is sometimes tidy (probably if you're coming over I've raced around to get it looking halfway spiffy), and is not adorably decorated.
~ Whatever is available and remotely edible is substituted for nutritious, well-thought-out snacks. Don't even get me started on anything homemade.
~ Arts and crafts in my home equal coloring and Play-doh.
~ I do not adhere to the American Academy of Pediatrics daily recommended tv limitation. This also goes for the Wii and the computer.
~ In lieu of carefully planned out and artfully executed birthday celebrations you will receive some balloons and streamers mounted in your honor, a gift (though it may technically be from the grandparents and not me), and a McDonalds dinner.

I regularly feel some level of shame about these things and would like to see some of them change. And I know that these things are not the truly important parts of being a mom, but it's easy to lose sight of that in light of our culture and playing the comparison game. Ultimately, I know that none of you who truly know and love me hold any of these things against me. A reason why I'm so glad to know and love YOU. Now if I could just stop holding them against myself and get my fanny off the Guilt Express, we'd really be cookin'. (Oh yeah, I don't really do that either....)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Planes, Trains, and Sexy Stuffed Snakes

I am totally blessed by the friendships God has brought into my life. These ladies represent two of them. I am always touched by their realness, their laughter, their encouragement, and I always feel at ease to be myself. And, really, who would continue to hang out with you when you show up to a night out wearing yesterday's clothes, jump around a darkened room in front of them flinging about a stuffed snake and calling it "dancing", and are lame enough to have seen about three 80's movies in your entire lifetime? These girls, that's who. (Ummm...right? Girls?)


Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Marvelous Day

~ The boys playing happily and (mostly) without incident with a couple of buddies all afternoon
~ Going out and reveling in the glorious weather
~ Making a connection with a new family
~ Managing to accomplish a few things around the house
~ Kicking back with girlfriends

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Badge of Honor

This morning, as is typical of at least 4 out of the 5 weekdays lately, was filled with the sounds of disobedience, fits, and crying. Then James left for work. Aaahahaha! Ok, I kid! I kid!
Seriously, though, our mornings have been starting off on some pretty sour notes, which is really wearing me out. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus, so I'll just refer to the main culprit as Deran. This individual absolutely insists on having his own way, however painful that might be for himself or the rest of us, and I'm working on sticking to a form of discipline and being consistent with it (per the wise words of my hubby) to send the message that the way he's behaving is not acceptable and, hopefully, to see some changes around here. We may be on our way, folks, because this morning I was bestowed with what I consider to be a great honor. The phrase: "I DON'T LIKE YOU MOM!!!" A certain level of pride and satisfaction welled up in me as these words were flung down the hall, combined with a measure of sadness and weakening of resolve. But mostly it was pride and satisfaction. You know, I love my kid, and I want what's best for him. And what's best for him is to realize that the world doesn't revolve around him and hurtful behavior usually has hurtful consequences. To be out of my child's good graces is simply a sign to me that I'm doing something right. Because when we're disciplined we don't like it and generally harbor some ill-will, at least for a short time, toward the person responsible for our discomfort.
In a few minutes I'll be walking into my son's room to discuss his offenses and the ensuing consequences. There will be sniffles and then hugs and kisses. And, no doubt, "I love you"s will be exchanged. But probably what I'll relish today is that for a few minutes this morning my son didn't like me because I was doing the right thing for him.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lots of fall fun to be had with these rascals.!

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Own Little World

Yesterday totally got away from me, as you can clearly see by the absence of a Nov. 7th blog post. It really wasn't a day of rest which kind of irks me, but sometimes, what can you do? And a lot of that was just due to the choices I made with my time. Anyhoo...

Another awesome time of worship at church yesterday (you can read a little more about where we are now and how we got there here ). So challenged, so encouraged to feel God moving in me, so desperate to tap into that ALL the time. By God's grace. We were challenged by PF to take a good, hard look at what we consider to be the best life we can possibly live. According to Scripture, it's not the safe life; it's the life lived out of faith. Which pretty much means looking outside myself, my life, my little world, and following where GOD leads, not ME. Which is hard and uncomfortable and so challenging. We've had some pretty powerful visual images accompanying our time of learning and there's another to get you thinking below. Along with some of the obvious trains of thought that accompanied this video, I also pondered the recent elections and how jaded I am about politics, government, etc. While I voted, I wasn't really enthusiastic about the outcome (even though it pretty much went along with how I voted), and the reason for this lack of enthusiasm was because I don't really have any hope that who we have in office is going to make any major positive change in the way this ol' world is going. Where the real change will take place is in the day-to-day interactions among the people in this country and looking outside of ourselves to the good of others. It can only begin with me. And you.

"The King will reply, 'Truly, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:40

What does this look like for me even today? Stopping to talk with someone and really listen, patiently guiding my children, staying tuned in to God and His leading, giving priority to His Word, watching out for needs that I can meet, and putting an end to living in fear: fear of rejection, of what people think of me, of where faith will take me that I might not want to go. But I'm tired of living in fear. I'm tired of being so self-absorbed. I want my heart to be broken with the things that break God's. And with that...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Turn back the clocks! Turn back the clocks!

And start placing your bets now about how early my children will awaken tomorrow.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Just squeakin' in my Nov. 5 blog. Phew! First of all, I have to express my EXTREEEEEEEME displeasure that my Food Network has been yanked because some money-grubbing network is trying to rape AT&T and therefore, us customers, on the price we pay. Food Network is basically why we decided to even get cable, so you can understand my ire. HOW WILL I SURVIVE WITHOUT FINDING OUT WHO THE NEXT IRON CHEF IS????!!!! (Side note: It may be time to consider losing the cable and getting a life.)

Because I could not watch my previously recorded Iron Chef episode (Ming Tsai vs. Bobby Flay - sniff) I perused the movie channels and fell upon Good Morning, Vietnam. And on a more serious note here, is there anything more horrific, dehumanizing, and gut-wrenching than war? Really, I don't want to make light of this now. I know it's a fictional movie, but it depicts some of the very real horrors of war, and I'm left feeling a little bit ill. I know families who currently have loved ones overseas and in some very volatile areas. I recall not that long ago when my own brother was serving in Iraq and all of the fear and uncertainty that went along with not knowing exactly where he was or how he was doing. Yes, we trust the Lord that He will work ALL things together for the good of those who love Him. But, forgive me, God, there is still fear. Tonight I am praying specifically for Jeremy and Andrew and in general for all of those who are fighting to preserve our freedom and bring that same freedom I so recklessly take for granted to those who are oppressed. And in light of all that's going on in the world, being denied the ability to watch cooking shows is really not such a tragedy.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Generally I devote my Thursday afternoons to restoring some order to this living space we sometimes refer to as "The Sty". It makes me feel better, however futile it might be, to get things spic and span and back under control. Today I just can't seem to muster the motivation. It's been one of those weeks. Instead I have devoted my Thursday afternoon to eating caramel apples, uploading pictures (sloooooooowly) onto Facebook, and catching up on blogs (others' as well as my own). A blogger I regularly enjoy has participated previously in National Blog Posting Month (or NaBloPoMo, as the website cleverly dubs itself) and is doing so again this month. This is a site devoted, quite simply, to challenging bloggers to post something every day of the month. I blog. Therefore I am a blogger. And as such I have decided to take on this challenge. I realize I have missed the first 3 days of the month of November. But I posted twice today, so I figure then I'm only down 2 posts, and no one is going to make a federal case out of two little posts. Right? RIGHT?! Ahem.
Since I've given you such food for thought as pee in a cup, I'll just count these as my first posts and leave it at that.

Take Care Clinic

Is there anything more humiliating than walking the aisles of Walgreens with a cup of your own pee? Probably, but that's GOTTA be at the top of the list.