Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I'm fairly apolitical, to which my more politically inclined friends could probably attest. At best, I'm indifferent (I heard the audible gasp from some of you political passionates). If I was forced at gunpoint to put a label on myself I guess I'd probably go with Republican, since, in general, my moral standards and beliefs tend to line up with that camp. Sometimes I wish I could muster up some sort of patriotic gumption. Not that I hate my country because I do NOT - I am deeply grateful for the freedoms and opportunities I have here. I am just completely jaded by the way things have been/are run and have no confidence whatsoever in a government where the name of the game is being politically correct and re-electable rather than the best interest of the people.
Today I saw a bumper sticker that read, "At least when Clinton lied, nobody died". I can only assume this is meant to be some sort of political statement trashing the Bush era, perhaps the war on terror? In any case, my thought after reading this was: REALLY?! Really. This is our standard now? But it is! Sadly, it is. It's all about opting for the lesser of any number of evils rather than having any absolute truth or moral code. Looking at what will be the least detrimental to the majority (or to those running the show, however you choose to look at it). And it's sad and scary and sometimes horrifying, and if I didn't know Who already held the future in His hands, I'd probably be ready to jump ship and give Canada or Western Europe a try.


Anonymous said...

My love there is no such thing as being 'apolitical' :) There is always a default position that runs congruent with the times and whether you choose to admit to being in alignment with it, or against it- or choosing to be undecided which - actually, again, is like telling God, you're neither hot nor cold-- then, it is a made up space for self. :) With that said, the values you and I have been raised to konw and eat and breathe, are very much republican and very much, edify the ideals of what we beleive are 'christian' -- therefore, it is easy to default to what we think we know rather than playing with an animal we do not; albeit, that is the privilage that we have in choosing Republican because we do not have to think about it, we get to protect it with great poewr and it's about holding up our rights on a fundamental beleif that it is Christian. In either case, don't hide behind the percieved veil of being 'neutral' because there is no such thing. :) luv Roobs.

jewels said...

I wouldn't label myself as neutral so much as apathetic, which I'm sure is worse. I'm just SO disheartened by the direction of politics/government in general that I end up throwing in the towel on the whole thing.
And I hope I didn't imply by the fact that I generally vote Republican that I believe that it's a Christian entity. Not for one second do I believe that. I'm just sayin' that when I look at how the candidates vote, where they stand on issues that are important to me, it seems I line up more on the Republican side of the line. I have no faith in either party, just for the record, and don't really trust any of them to truly represent my beliefs/best interests.