Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Wrap-up...or is it just the beginning?

So, where do we go from here?
Last week was (I believe I've overused this word in my descriptions of it) amazing. A whole different life. One that really didn't cause major upset.  I'll admit that I've been nervous to enter back into "real life", and if I may grossly stretch the analogy, I believe I can relate in some miniscule way to addicts as they have to enter back into their life from "before".  I don't want us to revert back to old habits.  What we have put into place to try and avoid that scenario is this:
1) The boys are now limited to two hours of screen time per day.  One hour in the morning, one hour in the afternoon/evening, and this can only occur after they've completed some responsibilities that we've set out for them (in the morning this involves but is not limited to getting dressed, brushing teeth, some family prayer/devotional time, etc.; in the afternoon, doing some reading).  Today this went...bleh, not to put too fine a point on it. I think it's just a matter of suffering from fun-weekend-hangover and then trying to adjust to yet another new "thing" that mom and dad have come up with. But I'm confident we'll get there.
2) We will be getting rid of our cable, to the extent that only the major networks will be left to us. This will seriously limit choices. We do have Netflix, so there's still that to contend with.  If we find our family is not wise with it we can always give that the boot too.
3) I am going to loosely keep the schedule I was adhering to last week as far as my own internet shenanigans.  Probably a half hour in the morning and evening and then an hour or so in the afternoon for work-type things.
4) James and I have decided we will no longer be "flippers" in the evening, aimlessly scrolling through channels and watching things that have zero interest to us.  We'll only watch if there's something on that we truly want to see.

Hopefully having some structured guidlines, a plan - if you will, can assist us in keeping this monkey off our backs. When school starts we may even amend some of these measures further.
I feel proud that we've done something good for our family, something healthy for our minds and spirits. It inspires me to put some other things in motion for me/us, but I'm not really ready to throw those out there yet.  COWARD!  I know.  For those of you have followed our experiment and who have checked in with us or offered words of encouragement, thank you.  You played a huge part in our success because just knowing that this had the potential for being followed by others kept me accountable.
In other news, Michigan was FAB-U-LOUS. Family fun at its best. A few pics of the good times rollin'.

Family pics are over.  Let the dirt-digging commence!

The Louwerse ladies - takin' over Saugatuck!

Cousins and Big Red

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