Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer...already winding down

Even though summer is working it's way to a close (if the thought makes you panic a bit, keep in mind fall does not OFFICIALLY begin until September 22 - phew), it's a very different feeling this year with not returning to full time teaching. There is some sadness about not being with my fellow teachers but no regret on my part about that. It means more time with my boys and prolonged summertime fun. And less money. But I'm trying not to dwell on that part. Much. (Philippians 4:13 for Pete's sake!)
We enjoyed a fun-filled family weekend. Weekend aside for a moment, I just have to say how much James and I are LOVING our new, low-key life. We had run so hard and fast for so long with all of our commitments that it is just a magical time right now for us to realize we have virtually nothing dictating our evenings and weekends. It's been a great thing for our family unit. Anyway, the weekend.....Friday night we enjoyed a backyard campfire. When we can't get out for the real thing (and let's face it, with a three-and-a-half-year-old and an 8 month old, well, we're just not that brave) it's a pretty nice substitute. Saturday was breakfast and a brief shopping trip at one of our very favorite places...IKEA. You cannot beat feeding the entire family for five bucks and then browsing countless home items that you really don't need but are still incredibly cool. In the afternoon we got to experience the phenomenon that is Go Fish. This musical group is made up of 3 very wacky guys who record Christian kids' music, basically. But their motto (and I tend to think they've accomplished it after seeing them Sat.) is that they make music for kids that won't drive their parents bonkers. :) Despite the fact that I think James ended up being embarrassed to be seen with me, we all had a great time and the event presented Jeran and I with some new music to listen to in the car (since he tends to get stuck on one CD for a looooong time).

Ben says, Whoa! That's loud!

Jeran, getting in to the excitement, with
his buddy, Ellie.
Because I have no clue how to upload a YouTube video here (if you have insight please share) here's the link to my favorite song of theirs thus far: The Mom Song.

Yesterday we enjoyed our day of worship and rest (for James that included fishing :) ).

This morning the boys and I made it to a splash park which was the perfect activity with the temperatures on the rise again. We'll most likely hit it another time this week since both boys liked it so immensely. So as you can see, we continue to let the good times roll and enjoy each blessed day we are granted.

Jeran was not interested so much in the water at first as the train they had there....shocking.

Ben, however, found the water entrancing.

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