Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Please allow me to vent for one brief moment here about the state of the parks in our fair town here. Not only have I discovered various forms of garbage on the playgrounds, as one might expect, I have also found open condom wrappers, detonated fireworks, and today I can add to the list....doggie poopie. Yes, that's right...canine crap. Not so unusual, you claim? How about...placed smack dab in the middle of the stairs at the top of a slide. Yeah, nice.....
This morning on our walk we passed one of several parks in our area, so I let Jeran loose for a few minutes. He climbed to the top of the equipment and I heard him utter, "Uh-oh" but didn't think much of it. A few minutes later he said, "Mommy, wanna climb with me?" Sure, why not? As we're heading up the steps he says, "Oo, I smell something, Mom."
"Really, J? What?"
"It smells like poop."
I suddenly realized I could smell it too, and as we rounded the top landing...bam. There it was. I am hard pressed to believe that some dog unintentionally found his way to the top of a kids' play area and was suddenly seized with the urge to do his duty. This really seems like a clear-cut case of teenage vagrancy. I guess that's just the old-fogey in me who's tired of seeing teens hanging out where her kids like to play and stumbling across the evidence of their thrill-seeking the following morning. To be fair, though, I do remember being a teen at one time and upon several occasions finding myself hanging out a playground. What is the irresistable pull to "hang" at such a place? Who knows? I can't reach back in my memory that far.
As the concerned citizen that I am, I had good intentions of calling up the park district when I got home to report the poop, but as I sit here 12 hours later I realize it never happened.

1 comment:

none said...

Do U know that our Holland city council had to discuss the issues of dog poops on cemetary plots? People would walk their dogs nad leave them to pooh on the graves..and so they had to decide about a law against having pets in this area ... sigh.