Saturday, August 23, 2008

Potty training, day....blech..whatever

So I really feel like a crazy person. I don't know what's going on with me. I cannot understand why I'm such an emotional basketcase over this stupid potty training. Am I expecting too much? Probably. I guess I'm just ready to throw in the towel on the whole thing b/c I feel like out of Jeran and I, I am the only one who is remotely interested in this whole venture. Whatever gains I thought I was seeing in the last 2 days are nil today. It's a fight to get him to even sit on the potty much less to stay there. He could care less if he pees on it; in fact, when it happens it seems merely to be an accident. He'll look "down there" kind of surprised like. He's equally content to go to the bathroom in his Pull-Up or even underwear the few times I have tried that. If my timing isn't exact we'll miss the potty and he's gone in the Pull-Up. In fact, when we got home from errands this morning I set the timer for 3 minutes until "potty time" and within that short time he went! My thoughts are consumed with these thoughts (and these thoughts only, which is probably why I'm feeling so nuts): "How long since Jeran was last on the potty? Does he need to go? Did he ALREADY go? Is he still dry? I need to ask him if he's still dry. How long should I make him sit on the potty? Is it worth him screaming and crying b/c he doesn't WANT to sit on the potty?" and then they start all over again. I have a headache. I am turning into a very ugly person with a hair-trigger temper. It does not seem worth it, and I'm stuck between thinking I should just try again in a couple weeks and being worried that I'm giving up too soon. I know this: I'm definitely outta this prison called my house after the boys are in bed tonight. I think I'll go check out that mental health facility in Tinley Park. Oh darn, they closed down. Hmmm...I guess it'll be Starbucks then.

1 comment:

lalligal said...

Hugs hon, it WILL get better, I promise. Want to get together a day next week? Maybe watching James will spark a little interest in Jeran. Hang in there!!