Monday, August 4, 2008


Phew! Wow...well, what an evening of excitement! I was at the library, minding my own business, engrossed in People magazine (it's amazing what one can get into for a brief time of peace and quiet), when I heard the librarians commenting about how nasty it was getting outside. What?! Time to scoot home. No sooner had I gotten back than the tornado sirens went off - a sound that unleashes a tingle of fear down to my very toenails. So of course I immediately panicked and ran to the boys' room (ok, in my defense, it was not really a run - more like a very speedy walk). They were both still awake, so I grabbed them and brought them - where? We don't have a basement and no real "interior" room. I thought I remembered reading something about a bathtub in this case? So I brought the boys into the bathtub with me (ha ha, yes, I know, I can hear you laughing). James, meanwhile, was keeping tabs on the weather and telling me to not overreact. Dear man. He is always working to keep me calm in these situations. During the night on a camping trip to Maine we once heard a wolf/coyote howling, and he assured me it was an owl. I chose to believe him. Anyway, I digress... My reply to my very calm hubby was, "The TORNADO sirens are going off! When exactly should I overreact? When the roof is coming off?!" So we sat in the bathtub, the four of us, James frequently leaving to check the weather and look out windows - aren't both of those major no-no's during a tornado warning? No more so than sitting in a bathtub I suppose. Jeran and Ben thought it was a GRAND adventure, making each other laugh hysterically which made me laugh which was exactly the medicine I needed at that moment. After a few tense moments and lots of prayer, the danger (such as it was) has subsided. And so I close with a spectacular lightning display out my window and the symphonic sounds of my overtired boys' cries filling the house. Ah, summer......


Melissa said...

So Jon and I had a good chuckle trying to picture you and the boys in the bathtub :0) I'm sure Jeran and Ben had a ball - what kid wouldn't love that adventure!

none said...