Thursday, August 28, 2008

Never a dull moment

Visions of a glorious, long holiday weekend in Michigan have been stamped to smithereens in the last 24 hours (and thus begins another dramatic post by yours truly). A friend from church offered to let the boys and I ride with her to Holland on Wednesday night, and I gladly took her up on that. The weekends here always fly by, so it's nice to take advantage of some extra time. The trip started off splendidly: the babies fell asleep, and the boys got to do some goofing around together and watched some Diego. About 15 minutes from my parents' house, Jeran suddenly got sick. It wasn't much at that point which was good, but as soon as we pulled in the driveway and opened the van door the floodgates opened. It was horrible. Praise the Lord (seriously) for an understanding friend and a mom who stays up late. :) They were huge helps. We got Jeran bathed and into bed, everything cleaned up, and all seemed well (except that J.J. slept with me, so every single noise he made woke me up). I chalked up the experience to overtiredness (we got in at 11) and possible carsickness. This morning he was back to normal, and we were looking forward to a morning at the beach. Uh, WRONG. It was totally overcast and cool, with threats of rain in the forecast. So there went that plan. The boys and I stayed around home instead and played, visited the park, etc. It really was fine. Until after nap time, when Jeran woke up not feeling well and spent the next hour vomiting. So much for carsickness. At this point plans with my in-laws went out the window since we did not want to pass on any potential germs to them (my lucky parents get to keep them all here!). As for tomorrow (and yes I'm complaining, but it's my blog, darn it!) lunch with friends and a haircut are off the agenda. What I hate more than all of my plans breaking (because I AM an anal-retentive planner, so I really hate that) is seeing my child sick. It's a really helpless feeling, and throwing up is nothing compared to what some parents have to watch their children go through. This experience has reminded me that health is something we grossly take for granted until we don't have it. So for now we'll just take this opportunity God has given us to SLOW DOWN and take it easy and be thankful that we still have the chance to be in Michigan with family and friends (even though most of them will be avoiding us due to the looming threat of a flu virus - not that I blame them).

1 comment:

Rae said...

First of all, of course you can comment on the sewing blog...hello, half of the people who read it can't sew! I'm really glad you did. (:

Also, you must be a mind-reader or something because I have been hatching plans to launch my very own Etsy shop in the next week or so. Hadn't really announced it or anything b/c there's not exactly anything there yet. I just have to figure out what stuff I think I can produce in reasonable quantity without going out of my mind, y'know?

Sorry to hear about your not-so-fun visit to WMich. I understand how that goes -- kids make trips way more stressful. So many times traveling seems like more of a hassle than it's worth.

And potty training? You can do it!!!