Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 2...

...of our bathroom adventures has drawn to a close. I'm beat, that's all I can say. Being so hyper-vigilant about making sure J.J. gets his toilet time is no easy task (or maybe I just make it complicated - it's been known to happen). Here's the brief synopsis, which is all I have energy to relive at the moment: there is some headway being made, but it's definitely an uphill battle. And while making our way up this hill we are encountering heavy, blasting winds, large boulders, and slippery slopes (not that I'm melodramatic about the whole situation AT ALL), so there have been a few backward motions along with any ground we have gained. I made the mistake today of switching up the "treats" given for staying dry, so I think he became slightly less motivated, but there were a lot of good moments today too. We just gotta keep pressing on...

Speaking of bathroom adventures, we have an unexpected bathroom project happening this weekend (GREAT timing, I know). Our "guest" bathroom, for lack of a better term, has seen its share of tsunamis created by, you guessed it, the 3-year-old storm known as Jeran. While you might imagine (as I did) that bathrooms are generally built to hold up to some moisture damage (or downright drenching) we find, as with so many other things in our home, that things are built, how should I put it, shoddily. In two of the corners yesterday morning we noticed (gulp) mold starting to grow. (At this point everyone is just clamoring to come over to our house, I know: a moldy bathroom and not-quite-toilet-trained three-year-old? Bring on the fun!). Upon taking off some of the trim and a corner of the flooring, James discovered that everything was VERY wet. This ugly phenomenon continued the more floor he took up. It is, in a word, gross. I'm thankful we discovered this problem before it could get out of hand, but it now creates some definite work for my hubby (much to his chagrin). We just are not project people (probably much to my parents' chagrin, as they always had a household project going on while I was growing up, at least to my recollection. You would think the love for it would rub off). We're pretty ready to be done doing things to this house. On the other hand, the bathroom was in sore need of some sort of updating, so I suppose it's a blessing in disguise. Also, it can't hurt our resale value come time to unload it...uh, sell I mean.

I am HORRIBLE at taking before and after pictures but have at least bumped up a notch to remembering mid-project. SO - just for kicks, here's where things stand now:

Hopefully it's obvious that we don't normally have a toilet in our tub. And look at this close-up of the LOVELY tiling we found underneath the current stuff. Who knew?
And where is Benj in the midst of all the madness? Being his cute, jovial self and kickin' that skill of sitting up in the heinie:

Could this be the start of his love affair with books? If J.J. and I have anything to say about it, you betcha!

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