Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ponderings of a Parent: Day 4 in MI

Day four of vacation draws to a close, and I find myself worn out and thinking deeply, once again, about the state of my relationship with my kids. The effectiveness of my parenting influence, if you will. It was the kind of day at the end of which I had to high-tail it out of the house at the first possible second to cling to any shred of my sanity. As I strolled through Hope College's beautiful campus, sipping my iced mocha and pumping some tunes through the Ipod (and narrowly avoiding decapitation by way of frisbee golfers) I considered, also once again, what it is I have left in my bag of tricks when it comes to guiding and disciplining my children. Not only Jeran and his strong will, but it seems Ben too is going to have to come under a more stern hand. I hate to admit that my sweet little boy seems to be entering into the terrible twos. I just don't know what I can do anymore to steer my kids in the right direction and see some results to that end. What's the most frustrating about this is I tell myself I don't know what else to do and yet the answer is so very simple. Not easy, mind you, but simple: time spent daily in communication with my Lord, total reliance on HIS wisdom and not my own. What is it I am striving for in my parenting and, even more broadly, this life I am living? To bring glory to God and have my character (and that of my kids) reflect my Savior. And so I draw a deep breath, accept this not-new knowledge, and spend time in prayer, grateful that His mercies are new every morning and His grace is ever available.

The highlights of the day were catching up with some friends I haven't seen in a looooong time and a picnic lunch in the backyard with the boys (the whole 5 minutes that it lasted anyway). We'll finally be reunited with James tonight and then tomorrow will kick off a weekend of Louwerse family fun!!!


Marilyn Hontz said...

I just happened to notice that you listed my book, Listening for God, on your blog. :) Thank you - that was a fun surprise!
I want to encourage you as you parent. Your love and care for your children is very obvious from your blog. :) They are blessed to have a mom who loves them and Jesus.
Recently, I saw this verse..."Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day He carries us in His arms." Psalm 68:19 (NLT). Isn't that a great visual to keep in our hearts - Jesus carrying us - especially on those days when you need a sanity break or you feel so tired! :)
God bless you!
Marilyn Hontz

jewels said...

Marilyn - on the off chance you stop back here I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your encouraging comments. I have read and re-read your book because of the enormous blessing and encouragement it has been to me in my spiritual journey - ESPECIALLY as a mom. My husband and I are just about to start reading it together because I feel the practical applications and personal experiences you share will benefit our whole family. So thank you.
On a random side note, my parents (Jerry and Ena Gunnink) attend Central, and I also attended growing up (and still do when we're in town). We have been richly nourished by the church as a whole and specifically by Paul's preaching. Thank you to both of you for your obedience in following the Lord and His will in your lives!

Jess said...

Those are great things to remember... especially when parenting boys boys boys. Thanks!