Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Days 2 and 3

Happy to report that I am very much on the mend and have been able to enjoy the last couple of days as planned. I'm still a little hoarse but can at least communicate...and reprimand my children when needed. Very important. It's difficult to sound like you mean business when the loudest sound you can utter reaches about minus 3 decibels. And so, our fun...for your reading pleasure.
Yesterday I spent lunching like a movie star. A movie star that likes $6 Chinese lunches. My best bud from the womb, Robyn, and I met up at China Inn. SOOOO tasty. She's so great about letting me always pick our spot. Especially since they are SUCH eclectic and exciting places like Russ' and China Inn (if you live/have lived in Western Michigan you'll catch my drift here). Thanks, Robs. :-) It was great to catch up, and we were very happy my voice had returned enough that we weren't forced to communicate by texting across the table. My aunt Joy and cousin Jami had INSISTED on babysitting all 3 of my boys. Twist my arm, why don't you? So I was able to lunch and run errands, and I didn't have to cart around three extra people plus a backpack full of their stuff that weighs as much as those three extra people. It was a beautiful thing. In the evening we spent time at my in-laws' where some extended family was also visiting. A great time.

Today found us headed Grand Rapids way to hang out with my cousin, Melissa, and her adorable nine-month-old, Neal (so named for our grandfather. I love that). The boys were less than jovial I'm sad to say. But their antics (and fits) entertained Neal, so I guess somebody won in that deal. It was great to see my cous, and the visit was all too short.

Following this, we met up with my sister-in-law Jeni, Bella, Keagan, and Camille, as well as my mom-in-law, her sister, Lorraine, and HER daughter Melissa and two kids: Riley and Howie. We turned the kids loose at a playground/splash park and let the good times roll. This did mean that the boys ended up missing their nap which is not always a smart idea. But it seemed to work out ok in this rare instance.

So a great couple of days! I'm beat. In a good way.


Auntie Kris said...

I loved this post Julie! I am so glad to hear/see that your vacation turned into a success! :) I should also note that I am now craving Chinese food-bad!

Anonymous said...

hey dood. What's the movie star thing about? I never feel like that when i eat chinese food - although the little asian waitresses always look at me funny--they think i am one of them..OH WAIT :) just kidding--;) luv you dood, it was totally awesome seeing you and i think my body goes into withdrawl from Holland comfort foods--thank you mom and dad. :) you better come visit again! roobs