Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Louwerse Family Fun - Days 5-7

Our week of Michigan fun ended nicely with an entire weekend of Louwerse family activities. James arrived in town on Thursday evening (I don't know that either of us is up for being separated for that amount of time again!), and on Friday we stopped by my grandparents' on our way to Keith and Jeni's where we had decided to crash for the weekend. It was very special to see the boys with their great-grandparents.

Once at KJ's, the kids had a blast playing together, and Keith and James fit in some brotherly time golfing, which Jen and I capitalized on by then informing them some girl time would be in order that evening. So we chatted over a drink and took in a chick flick (The Ugly Truth: cute, funny, raunchy, romantic - something for everyone (so long as you are "everyone" over the age of 18, at least). It was rather odd, yet enjoyable, to be out past 9:00. Speaks to my life these days, doesn't it?

Are these kids CUTE or what?!

Saturday dawned stormy and dark which was bad for the Louwerse Open that the Louwerse men held at a local golf course. Somehow they managed to fit in 9 holes, however, after which we all descended upon the Holland Aquatic Center and enjoyed some swim time as a family.

Some showers/baths/naps later, we met up at another brother and sister-in-law's where the guys took over kid duty, and the ladies stepped out for a night on the town in Saugatuck. SOOO much fun and many, many laughs.

Love these ladies!

On Sunday we once again reunited the whole fam and enjoyed lunch and some birthday celebrating together, then commenced on our merry (mostly) way home sweet home. It was a blessed time all together and while it's nice to be home once again, I'm a little sad at not seeing everyone for another couple of weeks.

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