Monday, August 3, 2009

Michigan Adventures - Day 1

Ahhhh, vacation. The sunshine, the fun, the company...the sniffles?! Because I decided to pack up my three boys and spend a week in Michigan, naturally, I developed a whopping cold, complete with sore throat, stuffy nose, and laryngitis. It just wouldn't be a Michigan visit without someone getting ill. I am frustrated. As usual, I have so many plans mapped out, including visits with family and with friends. I was so looking forward to a week of being here in this place I love with those I love and living the free and easy life of a stay-at-home mom (which is neither free nor easy...discuss). Yet here I sit, virtually alone (with a sleeping Grayson), two of my boys and my mom off having a blast with my aunt and cousin. The time that I get with my family is so limited and precious. It kills me to be so near to them but once again have to distance myself. The details of our week of fun, here-in included, were to be full of smiling pictures (taken on my new birthday camera, no less!) of all of us living it up. Instead you get my melancholy, pouting-like-a-five-year-old ramblings about being sick. Along those lines, allow me to just whine that "IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!" There must be a point to this, a lesson God is trying to teach me. Something about slowing down perhaps? Accepting the help that so abundantly surrounds me here? I get that. I understand. I'll try. But I can't help pleading with Him to just please give me my voice back and let me go along my merry, anal-retentively planned way. Here's hoping the coming days will bring you a little more uplifted, vacationy-sounding updates.

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