Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This morning's coffee is a must as opposed to a luxury. Well, hmmmm...coffee addiction runs in my genes, so I guess more often than not it's a "must". Today, however, my need for a caffeine kick-start results from Ben's early morning escapade with the aforementioned (see previous blog) G.I. bug running through the family. Around 3:00 a.m., much to my horror, I awoke to hear Ben choking amidst panicked cries. Praise the Lord we are at my parents' house where we essentially share a room, so I was easily able to hear him. In the few seconds that my foggy brain had to speculate about what was happening, one word formed in my mind: puke. The lamp shed light (literally) on the cause of his distress, and he had indeed lost his lunch. Or more accurately I guess, dinner. I learned as a teacher and then later with Jeran to go into auto-pilot mode at this point. Bed and baby clean-up (with a great amount of assistance from my husband - who has a fairly weak stomach and I'm sure was also on auto-pilot) ensued, and we settled on the couch to wait out the storm. Poor little guy had a few more episodes, and we could tell he was very confused as to what was happening to him. This is another cause for praise since it means he's been really healthy his first year of life and hadn't experienced this before. One clear thought I did keep having was that this could be so much worse. Jeran's first experience with this ailment was around the same age and occurred while we were driving back to Illinois from Michigan. In the pouring rain. Which means no windows could be opened for relief. We also quickly ran out of items with which to protect him and the rest of the car. I think he ended up wearing a garbage bag. So yes, it could have been so much worse. At this point he is sleeping, and it seems that everything is over (knock on wood), so I sip (actually it's more of a guzzle right now) my cup of joe and try to move on with the day.


Melissa said...

Hoping Ben feels better for the drive home! Good to see you guys again. It will be great (Lord willing) to eventually have you closer!

jewels said...

I sure hope we didn't leave any germs at your house last night, unknowingly! :-) We loved spending time with you and Jon too. The new year means it's time to get serious about this Michigan decision so we appreciate prayers for clarity! Love you guys!