Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Benj!

Why is it that time seems to keep leaving me in the dust? I can't believe I'm updating about my boy's birthday 5 days after the fact. So sad. Anyway, yes, Benjamin is now one year old. Shocking. Once the Christmas season really started to set upon me I had flashbacks to last year at this time when he arrived. I have to say that even though I'm experiencing some sadness to realize how quickly his first year has gone by, I do love the age he is. He is absolutely adorable (not that I'm biased or anything) in the ways that he crawls around, smiles and laughs, and especially all of his babbling. My favorite thing right now is when he uses the one and only word currently in his vocabulary: "hi". Generally you'll get about 5 "hi"s in a row accompanied by some vigorous waving. Of course, whenever we want him to show this off to other people he won't perform. Then I just look like a delusional mom, making up skills. Luckily, he DID perform for the doctor last week Thursday. One of the few positive marks of the visit. Ok, I'm being a tad melodramatic as usual. But I left the office feeling a little let-down, like my kid isn't totally up to speed. Normally I don't really let that kind of stuff get to me since I know that children develop at their own pace. But it's hard to hear that your son should be pulling himself up to a standing position, for example, or saying more words. I guess I let it affect me because this news rode in on the coattails of the doctor discovering Ben had double ear infections when I didn't even have a clue he was sick. How nice is that? I guess it speaks for how tough my kids are (more than half of Jeran's ear infections during his life so far have been diagnosed on a fluke as well). Apparently my kids don't want to let on when they're hurting.
As far as Ben's current stats he weighs in at 22 lbs and I forgot how tall he is, but basically he has evened out to be average for his age (although looking at him, particularly the pudge that has collected on his thighs, cheeks, chin, and wrists) you might be tempted to think we're training him for a future in sumo. All of that chub sure is kissable though.
To celebrate his first year of life, Ben has already had a birthday playgroup (with one more to come on Friday) and a special birthday breakfast, as well as a small family celebration with just James, Jeran, and I. Rather than throwing one overblown bash I've decided to throw lots of little ones apparently.
Our weekend was busy but full of so much Christmas enjoyment. We headed to Michigan and celebrated James and Ben's birthday with a little breakfast outing on Saturday. Mom and Dad Louwerse and Gunnink, Jon and Melissa, and Rachel were all able to join us. In the afternoon we attended the Berghoef family bash which was a festive occasion filled with wonderful company, excellent food, and the signature Dirty Bingo game which always boasts a plethora of interesting White Elephant gifts as prizes. My personal favorite this year: the purple "pimp" hat that my cousin Jami ended up with (see? the biggest boxes aren't always the best!). For many a year in my family there was a lovely doorstop that made the rounds - wonder who ever ended up with that one? Anyway - a fun time had by all and also an opportunity to celebrate my grandma's 85th birthday. Truly a blessing.
Saturday night James and I, left the kids at my parents' and headed back to Illinois for the 2nd annual Rumbuc Christmas gathering. We actually had to miss the first annual as I was sick, and, it turns out, 3 days away from giving birth. Almost the whole gang was in attendance which is really great considering our college crew only gets together about twice a year now. Again, a marvelous party with excellent company, tasty food, and a downright hilarious White Elephant gift exchange. The hot items this year were a Christmas-song-serenading chicken (complete with dance moves), a spa set, tequila, and a circa- 1980s cell phone. We're talking the phone as long as your arm and twice as wide. Ring any bells? So funny. We're already excited for next year!
Now it's only a week and a half before Christmas. Although I am throughly enjoying the season and don't feel I've allowed myself to get caught up in the frantic pace of it all, I'll admit that there is much Christmas shopping I need to accomplish yet and that makes me a little nervous. In the meantime I am thrilled to get the mail these days since I always get the biggest kick out of everyone's Christmas photos and letters. Which reminds me, I have some envelope addressing to do....

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