Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Calgon, take me away!

One of the biggest differences between my full-time working life outside the home and my full-time working life as a stay-at-home mom is the fact that there are no breaks. Granted, with teaching there were few breaks to speak of in my day, but I could at least catch one 15-20 minute snatch of time in which to regroup or at least chug some coffee before returning to educate the masses. It's so wearing now to be needed ALL the time. Just in the typing of this short blog I've had a 3 1/2-year-old climbing on me, interrupting to ask for a snack, then needing to be disciplined for hurting his brother, and a one-year-old has needed his nose wiped, a toy retrieved, and tears dried from being hurt by his brother. To be fair, there are those rare days when both boys will nap, and that is glorious, a time when I definitely take at least 15 - 20 minutes for myself. But most of those days I just feel the pressing need to take care of various duties around the house. Today I am wishing I just had 20 minutes to myself. 20 minutes to drink coffee, read something that has nothing to do with children, and not be needed in any way. Sigh. Those of you reading this who work full time outside your home AND have children are rolling your eyes with lack of sympathy. I can take it. I've been there too, so I understand. I guess that's all the time I have for right now because my one-year-old is telling me by his cries and big brown eyes pointed in my direction that he needs me...

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