Thursday, January 1, 2009


2009 has rolled in, and I'm proud to say we stayed awake long enough to see midnight, although barely. I have great peace about the coming year and high hopes. There's something about feeling like it's a fresh start that is very motivating. Speaking of motivation, I guess I should unpack sometime in the new year....
Today was a relaxing day spent as a family. We restocked our shelves with a quick grocery trip, then braved the Brookfield Zoo. It was definitely chilly when the wind picked up but so worth it. Jeran's enthusiasm for the zoo is so contagious, it's hard not to love it. I can tell you I did NOT love the smell in the pachyderm house, though. Phew! After a lunch at McD's we came home, and the boys hunkered down for a nap while James and I had some deep talks about goals for the coming year and beyond. We're trying to be intentional about our priorities and where those are rooted, and there's just something so intimate, if I may use that word, about being on the same page in life. I definitely praise God for my hubby. Now he's off playing a friendly game of poker with his buddies, the boys are soundly sleeping, and I'm trying to decide what takes precedence around here: cleaning up and unpacking or the latest book club read that needs to be finished by Monday. What was I saying about motivation?
In pregnancy news, heartburn sucks.

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