Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Technology shmecnology

Well, if you're one of the fortunate few to whom I have NOT lamented about the following, you heard it here first. Not only is our computer dying a slow, painful (to us, not it necessarily) and infuriating death (it's not uncommon for activities which once took me 20 minutes to now take 2 hours), but the camera has now taken a crap as well. It simply stopped turning on. And YES, I checked the batteries. While I may be stuck in the basics of technology I do know that much. So, at this most wonderful time of year, filled with Ben's first birthday, Jeran's Little Lambs program, and various Christmas festivities, I am left with only my semi-reliable brain to record and remember these events (not a likely prospect since I have difficulty remembering what day it is lately). I'm sure we will come up with a solution, but it remains to be seen whether that solution will put us out $100 + for a new camera.
So I realized that I've really backed myself into a corner with the name and address with which I've saddled this blog. Once baby #3 arrives 'round about Mayish, he or she is going to feel dreadfully left out. Perhaps not at first (they have that whole limited cognition thing going on), but certainly at 13 it will give them more subject matter about the lameness of parents to lament with their friends. Hmmm...not sure what to do about this one.
This morning was the long-awaited ultrasound. Now this is technology I can live with - it never gets old! It is truly an awe-inspiring miracle of God to be able to witness my child, in my womb, to see his or her heart beating, mouth moving, arm waving. To see the details of his/her spine, fingers, and toes. I can't possibly imagine what level of delusion people have to enter into to see that and, first of all, deny a loving and awesome Creator, and second of all, to justify abortion by saying this is not yet life. We were relieved and elated to get a perfect report about baby's development, and I stood strong and did not find out the gender (although, I'll admit, while the technician was scoping around "that area" I did end up peeking once - but didn't see ANYTHING!). James remained undecided so had the technician write it down and put it in an envelope for him. He's under strict instructions not to tell me (or anyone else so don't ask him!) if he ever does look. I am really excited about being surprised at the birth this time but also, because I'm an anal retentive planner, feel a little panicked that I don't know what gender of child will be exiting my womb in 4 months.
Tonight is Jeran's Christmas program for Little Lambs. I took a peek during their rehearsal today and found him doing anything BUT singing (even though he knows the songs and loves to sing when he's by himself): chewing on his shirt (a constant activity lately with this new oral fixation he's developed), standing up (while everyone else was sitting), and laying on the kid next to him. It will be adorable, no doubt, but maybe it's a good thing that camera is broken....

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