Wednesday, February 17, 2010

As a follow up...

In keeping somewhat with the spirit of my last post, I'd just like to say that today I was reflecting on my kids, motherhood, etc. This phrase popped in my head, and I was startled by how unequivocally, absolutely true it is for me:
My very worst day with my children is better than any day I would have to live without them.
Wow. Big stuff.

1 comment:

SRR said...

So true. I play a little game with myself sometimes... let's say John is sitting on the couch watching tv while I have sweat running down my face and can't see over the pile of dishes into the living room. It's then that I say, what if tomorrow he wasn't sitting on my couch? And all frustration leaves. I play the same mind games on 'bad kid' days. What would life be without any of them?