Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bring it on, '10

Another calendar year has come and gone. At this time last year I was just about 5 months pregnant with our latest boy, yawning mightily as we attempted to see midnight. Hmmm, this year might not be too much different except for that whole pregnant part. Recent events have me reflecting on 2009 and wondering about 2010. By recent events I mean the whining and ranting I did here . The day following these whinings and rantings my hubby asked me as he was leaving for work whether I thought it was going to be a good day or a bad day, and I replied that the day would be whatever it would be. Somehow at that moment those words struck me as profound. Truly, the day was going to go in whatever direction the Lord led it. It was completely out of my hands. As is true of every day. What IS within my control is how I respond to each situation, whether it be crisis, inconvenience, or all according to how I planned. And so I enter into 2010 using the wisdom of this startling revelation. I need to let go of whatever expectations and perceptions I have of what each day "should be" and exercise enough flexibility that I can embrace what each moment IS. Sounds like a tall order. Perhaps now is not the right time to enact my "give up caffeine" resolution.


Anonymous said...

Was this blog post after our talk or before ? :) roobs

jewels said...

Before actually. :)

Anonymous said...

okay phew. ;)