Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, lucky readers, I have an updated status on Benjamin's weight for you all since I had to take him into the prime care center tonight. He is 25 lbs. Weren't you losing sleep over that tidbit of info?
Our dear boy has been congested for the past week or so and today woke up from his nap with a 102 degree fever. Tonight he awakened at 9 pm with a 105 degree fever. First order of business was to panic a little bit, then give Motrin, then call Mom Gunnink for some nurse's advice, and then I (calmly of course) drove him to prime care. Turns out he has an infection in his right ear and a sinus infection. Glorious. He was such a trooper through all the doctor and nurse rigamarole as well as a late-night trip through the Walgreens pharmacy drive-thru (side note: MANY, many more places should have drive-thru service. The post office for example). He is now sleeping soundly after being juiced up with Tylenol and amoxicillan and will hopefully remain a sleeping cutie until 7 a.m. at LEAST, I hope.

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