Monday, April 27, 2009


Despite my best intentions, I find that I have allowed myself to get a little crazy over the fact that baby #3 is not here yet. I think I would be ok were it not for the fact that A) I have been offered the utmost confidence in an early birth by every medical professional I've encountered at the doctor's office the past several weeks and B) I have had signs of labor since Friday with no real action to speak of. In my logical little brain, I understand that labor signs can last for weeks. I also know that nobody can say with absolute certainty when a baby will decide to make his/her appearance. However, the emotional side of me finds it absolutely maddening that I have not gone into full-blown labor yet. I just find it VERY difficult to be in this limbo period, when I don't feel like I can make many plans, etc. I also am very tired of being pregnant and not having the energy I so desperately need to keep up with my boys. I'm very ready to just meet this baby and get on with the rest of our lives. With that said, I know that God's timing in these matters is perfect, and each contraction or other sign of labor means we are a step closer to actually getting there. Also, as I went to bed last night I glanced at the basinette waiting (waiting, waiting, waiting...) in our bedroom and was confronted with the fact that I have 2 children who used to fit in it. One is now 4 years old and will be starting school next year, and one is 16 months, cruising and babbling his away around our house. I thought to myself, "Do I really want to keep wishing away precious days that are already flying by too fast?" And the answer is no. So I'm trying to keep a tight rein on my anxiety to get this baby here and also trying to keep living life, one day at a time. And also, trying every old wives' tale known to man about how to jump-start labor.


Auntie Kris said...

Hang in there Julie! I am sure the weight is tough but you know it WILL be OVER SOON. And why not do all the wives tales? Most are pleasant enough-fun foods, long walks, lots of sex-just stay away from raw eggs or liver oil. Who wants a baby that bad? :)

We're praying!

jewels said...

Thanks, Kris. I even tried the CPK BBQ Chix Salad on Friday night to no avail. That must be strictly a Heerema/Veldman thing. :-) XOXO

Auntie Kris said...

Look how I spelled "weight" you can tell I have food on my mind! :)

Sorry the salad failed you. Hope it was a good meal anyway!