Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aaaaaaaand....we're still here

Today brought about another visit to the dr. for me. To my (albeit inexpert) mind, things have been happening the last several days (as mentioned in the previous blog) that have led me to believe my body is finally readying itself to deliver a baby. Alas, dear friends, the kindly woman I saw today broke the news that I am essentially at the same place I was last week (3 cm, 70% effaced - although that part was not shared with me last week). I admit to a moment of frustration when tears threatened to spill, but then she offered to "help things along", MUCH to my delight. So, trying to keep this blog G-rated, she did some (ahem) stretching and further thinning. As she phrased it, "according to my ladies" (so cute) when she does this, labor generally kicks in within the next day or two. At that news, if a pregnant woman could do cartwheels (as I understand, this is ill-advised) I would have done it. HERE'S HOPING. She also shared with me a tidbit that others have failed to mention, which probably would have stopped the high hopes I've been carrying with me that have led to such bitter disappointment this week. With Ben coming two weeks early due to my water breaking, she said such things can be a "fluke" for lack of a more noble medical term. Sometimes she said it's just a matter of baby moving in a certain way as to start the water breaking, not necessarily a product of my body having been ready to give birth. In which case, it doesn't have any bearing on this child being early as well. Good to know! This woman became my new favorite today and I wish I had requested just to see her all along. SO, as things stand, I could very possibly go into labor before the weekend. Mind you, I'm not holding my breath. But one can hope. Should I make it to next week's doctor appt., she had me make it with her again, and she said we'll definitely talk induction at that time, probably for Wed. or Thurs. Stay tuned....

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