Friday, January 16, 2009

Movin' on

Another week has passed, not quite as fraught with self-abasement and cabin fever, despite temperatures at 30 below. Yikes! Part of what helped me cope a bit more positively was a few outings, including the return of Tuesday Little Lambs and MOPS to our life. Outside of that, not much new to report. Oh, except for the discovery of books on CD for use during Jeran's "nap" time (not that sleeping has been in the mix for a number of weeks now). Now if I could just get him to quit destroying the CD cases....the library will be very unhappy with us.
We continue to wrestle with our decisions about the future - where we will be, what we will be doing. It's no secret, I think, that we have been talking about moving back to Michigan to be closer to family. Obviously that would be the big draw (well, except maybe for also the beach); it's certainly not the economy there. :-) Anyway, we are at an overwhelming place right now where we realize all the huge, monumental things that must take place for this to happen: selling a house, finding jobs, leaving behind all that we know and love here in Illinois. Even if we did not end up in Michigan we are ready to get outta R-ville. It's not home. There's no community feel here. In all fairness we aren't ever really around the neighborhood long enough to pursue that feel, however... it's definitely not where we feel led to stay. So where do we feel led? It's tough to know right now. One thing I do know: God is faithful to lead us. Prov. 3:5-6 has been popping up all over the place lately, and I know it's His way of reminding us that He has it all under control.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
What's interesting is this is the verse James and I chose as our "marriage verse" when we tied the knot. It's never been truer or more needed than at this crossroads in our life. And we need to remember that although we cannot see the way ahead, God knows it. It's only our job to trust.
So...many changes lie on the horizon, and the details are a mystery to us. We have our third baby due to arrive in about 3 months, gender unknown. We are planning on putting our house on the market in/around March. Lots of details to undertake so it's ready, and who knows how long it will take to sell. Future work - ? Future town of residence - ? We leave it all in God's hands who knows our personal desires, and in the end will work according to His purpose for us.

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