Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time Marches On

Ok, so check it out. This guy turned seven on March 17:

Oh, how I want to hold on to these days. And oh, how in true Julie fashion I get all nostalgic and look back and forget about sleeplessness and strong little wills and only see (FINALLY) the light at the end of the "simply surviving" tunnel and realize how quickly it's all going. Anyway, I could go on and on along this vein. You get the picture. You've heard it before.I'm amazed to watch the person this boy is becoming. His energy, his love for Legos and drawing and telling stories, the moments of pride as I watch him teach and oversee and love on his younger brothers, the spiritual connections he's making and how real God is to him even at this young age. It's enough to make a mom forget the meltdowns and frustrations and off-the-wall hyperactivity that can sometimes seem to be the only things making up our days. I am so proud. Not in a "look what I'm doing" kind of way, but in an awe-filled "look what God is giving me a front row seat to" kind of way.

I love you, J. Happy 7th. May God see fit to slow our time with you down JUST a little.

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