Saturday, April 3, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

Whether it's literal or figurative, spring is a time for emerging from dark caves. I'm no polar bear, so I'd say I'm dealing more in the figurative sense. While this winter was a bit easier than the previous couple, it was still a bit of a dark time mentally. Everything is colored in shades of gray and that includes my mental attitude. So it really does feel like coming out into the world once more with spring's arrival. I can tell, too, that my senses have been just starved for spring: the riot of colors, scents, and sounds that the deadness of winter just doesn't allow. I can't wait for that first day when I notice the explosion of green on the trees.
We've been taking advantage of this a-maz-ing weather by getting outside as much as possible. Generally this means the boys go out in the backyard and roll around in the dirt. Several times a day. My bathtub's dirt-ring is approaching legendary status. There have also been visits to the park, walks to the library, ball-playing, ice-cream buying, and last week we made it to the Morton Arboretum (on discount Wednesday during everyone else's spring break week. MOBBED! But still fun). Next week Jeran has spring break from school which, sadly, won't amount to much since he goes to school in the afternoons and the other boys need to nap at that time. But it does mean we'll have lots of fun morning outings with no pressure to get him anywhere on time (not that "on time" is a phrase that usually describes our family anyway).
In other news: Jeran now owns his very own bike thanks to Papa and Nana's birthday gift.

Stop. Don't even think it. Oh my word - you just thought it! I know you did! Something along the lines of: Your FIVE-year-old is JUST getting a bike?????!!!! (This is roughly the same thing that JJ's doctor said at his five-year check-up a few weeks back. With slightly more tact and slightly less dramatics.) I really have no excuse for the fact that my child only now owns and is learning to ride a bike except that he's never expressed interest, so we never really pursued it. For some reason this summer we are all sorts of motivated to really be outdoors as a family and do some of these things (like bike-riding) that we haven't before. I know this has a lot to do with our kids getting older. It also has something to do with the whole physical fitness kick James and I find ourselves on lately. Something about being smack in the 30s is finally lighting a fire under our pathetically out-of-shape behinds. It has gotten really old to feel as sluggish as we often do, so we've started to slooooowly make some changes to our eating habits and activity levels (which, I should add, is really easy to do when you're starting from practically nil). One area of exercise we've found that we both enjoy is yoga. Not the whole sit-cross-legged-and-chant portion of the event, but the gaining-flexibility-and-strength area. James, especially, has had a lot of issues with his back since a major car accident several years ago, and he finds this helps decrease the pain he has. So we've gotten some yoga DVDs from the library in order to embarrass ourselves initially in the privacy of our own home. It has certainly been an exercise in hilarity.
I have also found myself compelled to RUN. Gulp. Yes, run. This is more in the "thinking about it with good intentions" stage, but it's there, nevertheless. I can think of only one other time in my life when I have wanted to run, and it had everything to do with a very motivated, energetic friend and mass quantities of extra time on my hands. So we'll see where these fitness aspirations actually lead.
In news of the friendship sort, a couple of weeks ago we had a visit from our close friends, Russ and Jess and their adorable offspring (two boys ages 3 and 1 - we love boys!). When I say close I do not mean geographically. Philly, PA stole them away from us about 6 years ago, but their newest address is in NY state. What I love most about these two is that EVERY single time we are together it's as if we saw one another just last week. It truly feels like no time has passed at all, and we pick up right where we left off: the laughter, the conversation both silly and deep, and the ability to just kick back and be completely 100% ourselves. Of course this means that every time we part ways again my sadness lingers a little longer. But I'm looking ahead to years of fun that our families will share, and it was great this time to watch our kids start getting to know one another, particularly as we've been sharing this journey of parenthood across the miles.

JUMPING on the air mattress is so much more fun than SLEEPING on it!

Grayson and Jude getting acquainted. HOW CUTE ARE THEY??
Who WOULDN'T bond over ice cream and Wii?
And now we've come to the best news of all: Easter is here, and I am officially reminded of what my Savior has done for me and what gives me cause for even greater joy than the sun that fills our days. And that is the love and mercy God pours out upon me, and the hope of an even brighter future.
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans. 5:8
Hallelujah and Happy Easter!


Nicki said...

On days when the Children's Garden is too crowded, you should try the Big Rock hiking trail in the Arboretum! Its an easy "hike"... I did it while pushing a stroller... and if your little dudes like to climb, they'll be able to spend at least an hour clamoring around on the Big Rock! We also like to jump off of it because we are reckless that way! ;)

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, we never really trained Tai to go to the bathroom at night until...still now and he's 7 this summer. His bike- what bike? ANd at this point, we don't care. :) I am glad to hear you're running and yoga-ing :) Keep me posted on this- i swear, get a juicer. It'll be like the energy in your battery. Seriousyl :) luv roobs

Amy said...

I hear you....spring is here and I am so grateful! I am glad that you had some much fun with your friends from out of town! I love friends that you can just hang with and have grown through the years with! The pictures are cute! Let me know how the running is going. Matt and I did this for 2days. He wanted to talk while we ran and he was so hard on me! Needless, to say I could not catch my breath (let alone talk) and I felt like he was training me for a marathon--I know he was trying to be helpful but really I just wanted to feel the breeze on my face, strive through a little burn in my legs and enjoy the flowers that were blooming everywhere!!! Way to go on saving your money on a bike! If he never even asked for one why bother?

SRR said...

Do the Couch potato to 5K! You can do it! And yahoo for yoga! Keep up on the videos and then we can all go to class together!
That was a lot of excitement from me:).