Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Coming Out

My love affair with food is something that started out as what could probably be described as harmless but has grown into something obsessive, out-of-control, and just plain wrong. I've never had to watch my weight, and somehow this has become an excuse to eat whatever I want. And I do mean, whatEVER I want. Things that defy logic and reason. Orders of loaded nachos that were originally designed for a party of three. Portion sizes and helpings that would make large men cry with discomfort. Late night snacks that would probably feed a small, third-world village if they weren't so repulsively unhealthy. I've always known that how I relate to food is slightly unbalanced, but I have finally started admitting to myself that I don't eat to live. I LIVE to eat. I'll be eating a perfectly great meal and dreaming ahead to the next one, wondering what I'll be having then. My moods are often hinged on what kinds of goodies will find their way onto my palate in the hours ahead. Entire days will go by without a fruit or vegetable or anything, really, with any sort of nutritional value, passing my lips. I'll recount my liquid intake at the close of a day and realize that coffee and Coke have been the only things I've guzzled in the past 24 hours. And condiments. Mmmm, condiments. Oh, the condiments.
Food has, without doubt, become my idol in life. The intense level of mental, emotional, and physical energy that goes into something that should be so simple is frightening to me. It's an example of something that sin has gone and distorted, made unnatural. God created this amazing work of art, my body, to process and be fueled by some pretty amazing natural creations (we can call Cheetos natural creations, right?), and I know His design wasn't for my love and affections to be placed on His creation rather than Him, the Creator. And as I see my kids starting to adopt some of my eating habits, I cringe and finally see the need (and, beyond that, feel READY for) a lasting change.
Yesterday morning, some girlfriends and I discovered that we're all pretty much in this same boat: unhealthy relationships with food, readiness to change. So we formed a little support group for each other and have decided to set six-week-long goals as baby steps to changing our habits and lifestyle. We're trying to keep each other accountable and will celebrate our victories together (because I am CONFIDENT there will be victories!). So for this first six weeks my baby steps are:
1) Drink 64 oz. of water a day.
2) No more after-dinner snacking (you'll be happy to know I pulled the Crunch 'n Munch out at 10:00 last night, remembered this goal, then promptly put it back).
3) Exercise 4 times a week.

And perhaps you can give me some accountability too, now that I have spewed out my closeted skeletons to you, dear cyberspace friends. If you see me going up for that third or fourth helping, debating ordering that Big Mac versus, well, pretty much ANYTHING else, you can just lean over and whisper a little code word as a reminder. We'll make it...."condiments".


Eric said...

You're the best Julie! SO thrilled to be on this exciting journey with you! :)



Amy said...

OH BOY. As I sit and pull my pants up over the roll I think about how I can relate to this one. I LOVE food. It makes me happy. It cheers me up. I too think about it all day. I so look foward to going out to eat or a good meal. I too drink like 4 cups a coffee everyday. Water? Yes, I give it to my kids and I take a shower with it but I never drink it. GOOD for you on being ready to face this is a lifestyle change but a very important one. Good luck!!!

SRR said...

Awesome post Julie! I had some of these same revelations about myself about a year ago. Phew. It feels so much better this way, and I'm sure you'll discover that too! If I can help in any way let me know! OH! And guess what I just found! Low Sugar Heinz Ketchup! 75% less sugar (only 1g per serving) and it's DELICIOUS! You know how I feel about condiments too right? And sauces. Oh sauces, I love you.