Friday, April 30, 2010

Baby boy

It's amazing, but after five years and three kids I still have moments of mind-blowing realization that I'm a mom. I'm somebody's MOM. How did this happen? (Ok, well, I know HOW it happened.) There are countless challenges but also so many precious moments in the midst of motherhood. One of those was yesterday, my baby boy turning one. The last kid (Lord willing) so I find his milestones much more bittersweet than with my first two. While it is incredible and thrilling to watch him creep, explore, laugh hysterically at his brothers, eat bigger and better things, and start to get the hang of this whole standing up and moving his feet thing, I also feel some sadness at his ever increasing independence (and that of JJ and Ben), knowing that my boys are growing up and, eventually, away. I am trying to be more conscious of the passing of time and more stingy about wishing it away. I read a great article about living your life fully in each moment and not letting the multitasking, the planning, the virtual reality detract from what's happening to and around you now. I SO often do that. I'm so set on getting my agenda done, crossing off the items on my list, and looking to what's ahead that I'm not really present in my own life. And in that spirit, my boys are munching popcorn and watching cartoons (or munching Cheerios and watching the ceiling fan, depending on developmental ability). So I think I'll go and enjoy this fleeting moment in our lives with them.

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