Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Political Hoo-ha: in other words blah blah blah

I have kept quite mum about politics throughout the entire campaigning season, so I beg you, now that I am "coming out" with my baggage after the votes have been tallied, do not take this as me being a sore loser. Yes, that's right, I was a McCain/Palin supporter. There, it's out. But the following sentences/paragraphs/[hopefully not] pages really, truly do not reflect my personal feelings on the election outcome. I can see the draw to Obama. He is an amazing speaker and an inspirational individual. And we CERTAINLY need those people in the world who inspire change. But see, that's where I get hung up. "Change" was the crux of his campaign, and it's gotten people all hopped up and ecstatic like they're on some sort of acid-induced high. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself...I don't think. But I am troubled, first of all, by the position to which so many millions of people have elevated this human, fallible man that should only be occupied by God - that of a savior. I feel that, starting especially with the Democratic National Convention, people were crazed with worship for him. And, quite honestly, though on a somewhat smaller scale, this came about for McCain and (perhaps moreso) Palin as well. True and lasting change, on many levels, is what we all desire, no doubt about that. But, I'm sorry, it's not going to come through a senator from Illinois. OR Arizona for that matter. In the end, we will no doubt be impressed and reassured by some of President-elect Obama's decisions, and sorely disappointed by many others. We're human. We let each other down. But I don't feel that most, if not all, Obama supporters leave any room for this possibility. He is savior, as I said.
Let's go back to that term "change". The second issue I am troubled by is that I get the sense the majority (clearly) of the U.S. is ecstatic and relieved that Obama will become our president in January, but I also get the sense that they're sitting back, waiting and watching for that change they can believe in to happen. Like, "Ok, dude, go for it. Deliver." man trying to lead a crippled government is not going to come through on that, folks. Do we truly realize that authentic change begins with us on an individual level? For example, the economy has fallen into a mass of smoking rubble. But what about you? What about ME? Am I or have I lived my life too reliant on credit so I can have things that I really can't afford? Am I living beyond my means? Where is my treasure? The government, banks, and companies didn't do this all on their own. It starts with our decisions on an individual level. How about the environment and fuel crisis? Sure, there are major steps needed to fix the problems, but what am I doing to be a responsible steward and heal/conserve what's left? WHat about war? Am I praying for peace and enacting it in my own life?
Now, to be fair, perhaps a significant contribution that Obama will make during his presidency is to not just be an inspirational speaker but inspire people to ACT. That would most certainly be a step in the right direction. Time will tell...
In the meantime, we must support our leaders, including the new president-elect, and we definitely need to be in prayer for him. But I would caution each of us to leave the fulfillment of the "God" role to....well...God.


Keely said...

Hey! I just read your blog again today, very well written! I have to say I voted for Obama, but in no way do I see him as a saviour! I guess I never thought people saw him that way, so it's interesting to hear that. I've heard people freak-out thinking he's the anti-Christ, but I think that's racially and stereotypically driven. I see him as a breath of fresh air and hopefully someone that can inspire people to be proud of their country...I mean he inspired record voter turnout so I hope he can keep it going! I was all for McCain/Palin in the beginning and after some research I changed my vote, but I have to give you credit for blogging about it! I joined the Obama group on facebook and I've gotten an endless barrage of anti-Obama forwards so I've kept quietly to myself :-) Congrats on baby #3, that's exciting news!

Julie said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Keely, and for speaking on behalf of "Sane Supporters of Obama". :) I hope and pray that he will be a positive change in this country. I think the anti-Christ thing is WAAY far-fetched. :-)