Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rollin' on

Life continues to roll on here in the Louwerse household. I'm happy to report that sleep has once again found its way into our home in regular and rather long increments. Phew. I have 4 weeks of school left and feel very bittersweet about that whole situation. On the one hand I have total peace about not returning to teaching next year. It will be an incredible blessing to be able to devote most of my time, once again, to all of my boys and the daily tasks of caring for our family. I'll probably do some tutoring, working for a friend of mine who used to work with me at Timothy. After Jeran was born I worked part time for her and it was a great gig. It will be great to keep my hands in the teaching realm a bit too. On the other hand, however, Timothy has been an incredible place to work the past 7 years. I will miss my colleagues immensely and will miss being a part of all the exciting growth and changes that are taking place there. But I know that the work load is just too much for me to do it well, not to mention also caring for my family well. So I look ahead excitedly to what awaits us after June 4. James and I will also be finished with all of the church ministries that we're currently involved with after May and have decided to take a big break from our involvement there too as far as all that goes. Who knows? Maybe with all this new-found time on our hands we won't know what to do with ourselves!! Buuuut....I'm sure we'll think of something. All in all, I feel that God has led us to this place of rest, and James and I talk often of the opportunity we will now have to take a step back and reevaluate where God wants to use us and the gifts He has instilled in us.

Switching things that the boys are up to. Ben has started to explore the wonders of rice cereal, and let's just say he's not totally buying it. He always eats with a manner that says, "Yeah, all right, I'll humor you here, but I'm not guaranteeing that anything you put in is necessarily staying in."

Jeran has been LOVING the great turn in the weather and has been a sports nut, especially zeroing in on soccer and basketball.

So....that's life with us right now. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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