Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Case in point....

So here I sit watching "Wife Swap" (I know, it's a new low for me) while grading papers. What's interesting is, the two families tonight are on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum on the topic of working/discipline, etc. which I'm sure is a purposeful set-up by the producers. Both are too extreme in my opinion but anyway..... a comment made by the skate-shop-owning, liberal, my-kid-doesn't-need-rules mom was, "I just don't think work ethic is that important." Egads!!!! What kind of person are you going to be sending out into the world, lady? I hope she's not my server in a restaurant/mechanic on my car/surgeon on my child. This sums up some of what I see in the up and coming generation.
On the flip side, the other family is raising up tightly-wound little time bombs that could rebel at any moment. However, I agree with their self-titled "benevolent dictator" when she quips, "I don't think picking up your room is soul-destroying." LOL


none said...

So..did you get your papers graded? LOL :)

none said...

...and just for the record, i came from who cares about rules we must engrave them in our skin...;)