Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh, hello there!

You're still here, are you? Checking back on us from time to time? That is too kind of you. For awhile there I was afraid Blogger would just shut the whole operation down for being a waste of space. Breathe easy, I have returned.

So just what in tarnation has been the deal around here? Well, first of all, I have discovered Pinterest. Ouch.

Aside from this brilliant invention/devil spawn there is, of course, the issue of three busy boys. Busy, imaginative, challenging, infuriating, lovable BOYS.

On top of this I have, true to form, overcomitted myself in life. When it comes to scheduling myself/our family, my mouth tends to run on ahead of my brain. It's been a chronic problem. Luckily for me, I have a really incredible support system of friends and family who listen, encourage, and work diligently to save me from myself. One reason I love this time of year is that it lends itself to a bit of reflection and reordering. So as the year winds down, I'm re-evaluating priorities, trying to discern the truly important elements of my life. What I've come up with is that, well, those don't include Pinterest. Darn. Truly, though, I am seeing pretty clearly what should have been obvious all along: my family and my relationship with God need room made for them first. I have many other worthy pursuits in my life, but these need to be tied for numero uno. Or maybe numero 1B and 1A, respectively. As I begin the process of removing items from my proverbial plate, don't think that this means you can't ask me to do things. Just don't be too offended when I decline, perhaps forcefully. To strengthen my no muscle I may need to overuse it a little in the beginning.

My overcomittment issues are not the only big haps around here. We've had a few birthdays this week that are more than deserving of note. I'll give you a hint who they belong to:
So that's the short version and now you're somewhat caught up, folks. May your plate hold only the peace and joy of this Christmas season and as the year comes to a close may you be filled with hope for what lies ahead.

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