Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Favorites

(I know. After a month and a half of NOTHING, all I'm going to give you is a lousy list. Cop-out! Deal with it. It's what's been on my mind.)

1) FOOD (surprise!) - chili, pumpkin anything (particularly lattes @ Starbucks), soups of all kinds, apple cider

2) Firing up the fireplace (pun intended) for the first time (after James removes any dead animal carcasses, of course)

3) Watching the trees change color almost right before my eyes.

4) School - and not just for the obvious reasons. In just these two months I have watched my oldest child change and grow in so many ways. It makes me proud. And a little sad. He's growing up.

5) Packing away the summer clothes and pulling out the sweaters.

6) Anticipation of the holidays to come: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the time with family this allows us

7) Clinging to the hope that one of these years we will actually pick half an apple orchard, and I'll make my own 'sauce from it.

8) Though I'm known somewhat as a Halloween Scrooge , I found some satisfaction in this year's pumpkin carving and costume-searching outcomes.

Note: These pictures really kinda suck. I REALLLLLY want a camera for Christmas. Ahem. Cough. Hint.

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