Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Preschooler

Very likely those of you reading this are also my Facebook friends and have already feasted your eyes upon the display of cuteness below. Tough noogies. You will gaze upon the cuteness of my Benj (and other boys as well) once again:

This child spent the better part of his summer making sure I was WELL aware of the fact that he was not going to school come fall. "I'm just gonna stay home with you, Mom." Well.

It's true that he tends to be more of my homebody. (He's also the child that favors sleeping in, therefore, he is my favorite. **) He is also generally less of a "jumper-inner", more cautious when it comes to new situations and experiences. He continues to be the laid back member of the tribe.

Fast forward to the first day of Jeran's year. In a show of brotherly solidarity, Ben donned his backpack for the walk to school and upon seeing his older bro and classmates enthusiastically enter the building immediately decided that this school thing was ok. What followed were two weeks of impatience and inquiries as to why he was not also going to "my-school-with-my-teachers-Miss-Marilyn-and-Miss-Judith". And then we found ourselves at day one. In some ways my experience in bringing Ben to his first day of school was the same as with Jeran. Eager, anxious, excited, sad. But as we've gotten into the swing of school I've noticed there are differences too. I've found (mostly because he is a much more forthcoming fountain of information, and Jeran tends to be one-worded in his approach to detailing the day) that I don't pummel him for information, don't obsess about what he's doing and how he's behaving, etc. I grew comfortable about Ben being a school kid much quicker than I did when it was Jeran's turn. I think it has everything to do with their difference in temperament and personality. I don't generally worry about Ben and how he's handling things once he's settled in. Anyhoo. That's two boys in school - count em, TWO! Next year, by the grace of the potty gods, Grayson will join them. Wahoo!! And...sigh.

**I DON'T HAVE A FAVORITE. Get serious.

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