Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Jeran is at that age when really funny things are said on a weekly, almost daily, basis. Some of my favorites of recent days:

While I was taking a shower this morning JJ sauntered in, proceeded to drop his drawers to use the potty and said:
"So, Mom, did you have a good sleep?"
It was just a funny moment and such a grown-up little opener.

In the McD's drive-through:
JJ: What kind of toy will I get this time, Mom?
Me: Well, I actually didn't get you a happy meal this time, buddy.
JJ: (after a pause) Did you get me a sad meal?

Lying in bed with us one morning:
JJ: Mommy, did we get Grayson from the hospital?
Me: Yup. Mom went to the hospital and they helped get Grayson out of Mom's tummy.
JJ: Did they use a hammer?

Ben is also starting to talk up a storm, and 18-month-old language is always cute. A few favorites of mine from him:
Mo or Mo-mo = Elmo
Mooca = Cow (or Moo, cow!)

He's also regularly using please, thank you, and love you which we, as his parents, of course love. He's becoming a big copycat of his older brother, too, which is both good and bad.

And, not to leave Grayson out of the mix, he has started making adorable cooing noises accompanied by smiles:

1 comment:

Auntie Kris said...

This is so sweet Julie! I like that your kids have such spunk. :) Thanks for sharing! I feel bad that I didn't ask about your birthday on Friday-I think the buffet kind of rattled me and I lost my mind on the hash brown casserole. How was it? I hope THE BEST!
All my love,