Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Adjusting OR Would the person who coined the phrase "This too shall pass" please stuff it....

Yeah, did I say in the previous post it might take one to three days to get out an update? I meant one to three WEEKS. Adjusting to 3 kids (not to mention adjusting again to a newborn) has been pretty much as challenging as I anticipated. Which I guess is a positive because then I wasn't blindsided Survivor-style or anything. However, it can be difficult to keep perspective at 5 a.m. when you've been awake for 2 1/2 hours. It may go without saying after that comment that Grayson is not into sleeping. Not unusual for a baby, I realize. He has many, many periods throughout the day and night when he is completely awake and fighting off his need to snooze. Last night it happened to be from 2:30 - 5 a.m. Blech. Even as I type he's lying here on my lap completely alert and, honestly, a bit fussy, which also isn't unusual. He seems, also not shockingly, most comfortable when being held. We're trying to figure out if gas issues are the culprit to his frequent desire to party, but it's so hard to know with such a new person. Aside from not sleeping, his other current claim to fame is his appetite. It is not uncommon for him to be rooting voraciously after only an hour has passed from his previous nursing marathon. I worry that he's not getting enough, but at his two week dr. visit last week he weighed in at 8lbs. 9 oz., and his going home weight was 7lbs. 15oz., so I know he's putting on weight. Plus, his system is quite clearly in functioning order as he has a (not-so) little baby bowel movement with every single feeding. Still...is it normal for a child to need to eat every HOUR?! I never had that with the other boys so this is new territory. I keep reminding myself every child is different...which is a cruel, cruel joke, I must say. I feel like I've earned my stripes, so to speak, figuring out two other kids. Why can't the third just take after one of them? Anyway...it's a good thing that he's so darn cute. This helps in those not-quite-lucid moments when I'm tempted to hand him off to the highest bidder.
Speaking of the other boys, they have adjusted incredibly well to this new guy and his needs. For Jeran it was pretty much "same ol" since he already had to adjust to Ben coming along and rocking his world. I was more concerned for how Ben would take having to be the big brother with his needs taking a back seat to a baby. Luckily he maintains his laid back personality and loves his baby brother. He says "baby" and gives kisses like he's always been the big brother and wasn't bumped to that position just 3 short weeks ago.
James and I are still trying to catch our breath after suddenly becoming outnumbered. He has been a champion of a dad (as he always is, I must note) and taken on even more duties than normal in this postpartum world that has become our life. He was home almost all day every day the first week we came home, only going into work for an hour or two in the afternoon while the boys rested. Last week he was back to work half days, and his sister, Rachel, came to stay with us. She was A-MAZ-ING. I always knew she was a natural with kids, but I was still impressed at how great she was with the boys and just knew exactly how to help. Thank you, Rach! Thursday afternoon we left for Michigan as James and Jeran were involved in my cousin's wedding on Friday. Ben got to spend a lot of time with Grandpa and Grandma Louwerse over those few days, and it was great to be with family and introduce everyone to Grayson. My mom is here with us now until Thursday, and what an incredible blessing she is! It's such a relief to have her here not only to help with the boys but also to know that she understands when I'm walking around zombie-style, being the world's worst conversationalist because it takes up all my brain cells to shower and remember to put nursing pads in my bra so I don't leak all over the place.
So my goals right now are taking one hour at a time, sleeping when I can, and not stressing over the fact that I don't have son #3 figured out in his third week of life. Low expectations is the name of the game. That way, when I manage to get out of the house or just get a load of laundry done (or turn out a mostly coherent blog post) I feel pretty darn successful.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Jude was doing the same 3 am party complete with crying- we went straight back to what worked with Ro- the Happiest Baby on the Block- we swaddle him as tight as we can and stick him in the swing with a pacifier. He stays quiet- whether its because he's wrapped so tight or moving so fast... who knows? But it works! Jude is also a big eater and would eat nonstop, but I've put a 2 hour limit on it- I can't do anymore- I'd go out of my mind!