Sunday, April 6, 2008


My heart is so full right now. Is there ANYTHING better than three-year-old hugs and an "I love you, Mom" or "I need a hug, Mom" said in that sleepy little bedtime voice? I tell ya...amazing.
Speaking of hugs.......we were pretty nervous that, with Jeran's temperament being what it is, Ben's arrival might provoke some actions of hostility. Completely the opposite. We feel our younger son is quite literally at risk of being killed with kindness. May we present to you the mounting evidence......

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit D
Those of you who have been on the receiving end of Jeran's painful hugs will understand our concern. Clearly, Jeran is greatly in love with his little brother, which is wonderful but at the same time scary because he doesn't QUITE grasp that concept of "gentle". Anyway, we're grateful that it's this painful love he exhibits and not outbursts of jealousy. And for now we will maintain the rule of "No touching Ben's head" and continue to hope that their brotherly love only grows as they do.

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