Friday, April 4, 2008


Soooooooo.......okaaaaaaay....this is a little like stage fright. The spotlight has been turned on and someone is standing behind it yelling, "DO SOMETHING!"
This blog is an attempt to keep you, our family and friends, up to date with life here in the Chicago Louwerse's household. So many of you we don't get to see often and let's face it, if you haven't figured it out already, I'm crappy with the phone. The nice thing about a blog, too, is that you can read when you want IF you want. Plus I guess it's a vain way for me to "journal" the days our family experiences.
DISCLAIMER: There are no guarantees made that this will be in any way worth your time to read. But we will entice you with photos of our charming offspring. So hopefully this blog will also keep me accountable to putting up photos more often. Which I guess means I have to take them. Darn.
Well, here we go. Life inside the brain of the J. Louwerse fam's matriarch (I recognize that I should probably be a few decades older to bestow that title upon myself). It could be scary in here.......... enjoy.

1 comment:

joyannr said...

I think this is a wonderful ida! & no guarentees that I will check it regularly, but what a great idea.
I think a family blog would be a great idea too, if there would be someone willing to get it going!
Love to all,
auntie Joy