Ok, Gunnink/Berghoef family, upon which of you can I place the blame for the defective procrastination gene, or, as it is referred to in medical circles: procrastinitis? It really is a rather debilitating condition, except that I thrive so completely on it. From the far reaches of my mind I can pull up memories of last minute homework projects, all-nighters in college, and everyone knows of my penchant for leaving at the last possible second to get anywhere (usually about 5 minutes after I REALLY should have left). Because I am aware of this dysfunctional state of mind in which I live, it should seem quite obvious that I CHANGE it. Leave earlier, begin projects in advance, etc. etc. Oh ho! Easier said than done my wise inner voice. I don't know if it can be narrowed down to an inability (unwillingness?) to prioritize or distractions that are just out of my hands (at this point in life they would be called Jeran and Ben), but I am feeling, quite simply, resigned to the fact that I will never be an "on timer". Case in point: here I am on spring break with an entire week at my disposal with which to catch up on grading, as I seem to have buried myself in writing assignments and worksheets in the first 2 weeks of being back to school. So, let's count them: Saturday - Sunday, ok remove Sundays as a day of rest: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days which could be used to catch up with and get ahead of myself. But noooooo...here we are on Saturday and I have made VERY little headway. I joke about this and yet I do get frustrated that I continue to make the same mistakes. Who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results? Well then, is it any wonder I'm a bit cuckoo? In any case, I do embrace this as a part of my personality that seems resistant to change (a weakness, if you will: see my other blog at
www.pursuingtruepeace.blogspot.com - I know, another blog; like I need another excuse to be on the computer?). I would like to see myself wise up, though, and not make myself and those around me so crazy when it comes down to crunch time and I'm once again unprepared. Graded papers is small in the grand scheme of life, but I'd hate to see this spilling over into larger areas and, even worse, pass on this lifestyle to my children. And so, I will buck up and do the hard work necessary to create a plan that will keep me ahead of the game of life.........tomorrow.