Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School's In!

And just like that, a new school year begins.

This day never ceases to fill me with conflicting emotions. There's some grief at the marching on of time that each new year represents. You might see the boy in the photo above.  I, however, see this:

At the same time, I wish I could say I wasn't that mom who eagerly awaits the start of school by the time August hits.  I WISH I could say that. But I am a creature of habit and loves me a schedule and routine. While we had an incredible summer filled with park visits, swimming, baseball games, family, friends, and leisure in abundance, it was with great excitement that we welcomed today. For Jeran (and, let's face it, for Mom too) there were still a few nerves about what to expect from second grade, its teacher, and its classmates. But they have significantly decreased compared to the last couple of years. You know, whatev, we've got the school thing down. 

It was with such pride that I left him this morning, watching him work the line for Room 107, greeting old and new friends alike.  I lingered in the background, shuffling away by inches, recognizing how much more rare these glimpses into his school self will become.
I thought I might tear up for a minute, then I considered dancing away in glee. But I settled for a backward glance and a smile, then contentedly turned for home with two more babies clinging to my hands.

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