Sunday, June 17, 2012

"I've Got Dozens of Dollars": an ode to dads

James found this online this morning, and it gave us a good laugh. Consider this our blanket shout-out to all of you dads out there who are rockin' it as the head of your family and are still able to laugh about it all. And more specifically, Happy Father's Day to the man who has always given me vast amounts of love, support, and encouragement as well as his wacky sense of humor, speedy metabolism, and bad feet (oh well, can't win 'em all). I love you, Dad. Thank you for your love and faithful, godly example.  Happy Dad's Day also to my dad-in-law, who has always made me feel like a daughter and whose faith-filled life and fatherly skills have set an example for his son that has allowed my boys to have an incredible father. And he is an INCREDIBLE father.
Happy Father's Day!

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