Monday, December 13, 2010

Fact: There are 30 days in November.
Fact: Though I committed to NaBloPoMo (which requires a blog a day), I blogged a total of 17 entries in the aforementioned month.
Conclusion: Sometimes I REALLY suck at following through on things I say I'm going to do.

This is a character flaw that has recently come to light for me. For the most part, when I commit (particularly if other people are involved) I stick to the commitment. But it has become clear that without some sort of external motivation (ie: someone counting on me) I have a really difficult time with follow-through. Other examples from recent months:

- The South Beach Diet and exercise: While I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the way I treat my body, both in what I ingest and lack of physical activity, is going to produce detrimental effects down the road, I can't seem to stick with any sort of positive bodily regimen. I was super excited about the South Beach Diet because I have seen it work for friends of mine and because the principles behind it really are sound. Yet getting through the first two weeks of detox have proven, three times over, to be apparently impossible for me to stick with. Exercise: love the way it feels, but when the going gets tough (too dark in the morning, too tired in the evening, too cold now, etc. etc.) I fizzle out.

-There is a looooong list of people in my life who I vow constantly to be in touch with more frequently, get together with, and just in general let them know how much they mean to me. James and I started a letter-writing campaign a few Thanksgivings ago with the intent to let everyone in our lives know how important they are to us. We didn't even make it a quarter of the way through our list. I fear that my friends and family will not know how much you mean to me/us because I just plain poop out on picking up the phone, writing an email, setting a date for coffee or a drink. Because I know that no one is really EXPECTING this of me, it seems I take for granted the time I have to spend with those I love.

- House projects: another long list here. When I get spare time, though, to work on these things I find myself picking up a book instead of a paintbrush because there's no real deadline. When the day comes to put our house back on the market I'm sure I'll curse myself for this.

-The way I spend money. I find that old habits die hard here. You'd think I would learn a lesson or two from past experience and current debts still being paid, and there have been SOME positive changes in this area of my life, but I still seem to get sucked back into old patterns of behavior. Suffice it to say I put plans in place to be better about this and am challenged in following through.

-When I think about my past I can see that throughout my school career I was a bit of a procrastinator and half-assed worker, forgive the crudeness. Which works against my theory of external motivation because there were grades involved there. But I guess I was just content to be your average student.

Long story short, I really despise this part of my personality. I would like to change it. I want the satisfaction of a job well done and time well-spent to be my motivator, rather than the pressure that someone else is looking over my shoulder. I want to use the gifts and talents I've been bestowed with to be a blessing to others and in my own life/activities. But I'll betcha I'll need to build in some sort of accountability for this knowing how my personality works. At least I put it out here in writing. That has to be SOME sort of external motivator right? Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

I'm having "read blogs" night 'cause I'm procrastinating on finishing Christmas cards. : ) So. . .that's to say, you need to cut yourself some slack. You are the momma of 3 little boys. It is okay to slack, to not complete some things because, say, watching TV instead of painting something is what you mentally need to get through the next day. You can embrace the slacker part of your personality 'cause in some ways it is a gift that others don't have. (think high strung, type-As) : ) Julietime is necessary. AND maybe just pick one thing, like one NYs resolution that is obtainable and doable with three little boys. . .start small my friend. Then you will accomplish it and feel proud. : ) They will be in college someday and then you will have the time and energy to do the Southbeach diet, exercise, write all the letters you want AND have the perfect house all at the same time. That's just my opinion. : ) Now I need to go fold the mound of laundry on my bed so I can sleep in it tonight. (See, still not finishing the Christmas cards. : ) )

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

sometimes, just not giving up- is finishing. love robyn.