Monday, October 11, 2010

A little breathing room

I'm feeling really thankful today following a weekend spent with family in Michigan and a really fun morning with my boys at the zoo. And it actually really was FUN, albeit slightly stressful as well. There are three of them, after all, and only one of me, and we were navigating our way through packed crowds of people (what, everyone has to go to the zoo on a gorgeous fall day when there's no school? What gives?!). Anyway, I feel like I've had my head on a little bit straighter lately. Not that I'm any less exhausted or even that the stress has lifted; I think my perspective just continues to come into sharper focus, and I realize I am immensely blessed and don't want to squander these days that only come along once.

1 comment:

SRR said...

I'm so glad God is granting you moments that are really and truly fun, admist the times of exhaustion. It's kind of fun, them getting older, isn't it? I'm enjoying it over here and I can see you are too. Now if only we can just get them through with minimal scarring and married to wonderful christian people. Nothing like fast forwarding, huh?