Thursday, June 10, 2010

Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise....well, one outta three ain't bad

If you're a regular reader here at the ol' blog you may recall that a couple months ago some friends and I set some goals to a healthier us. You can refresh your memory on that here . Speaking for my personal goals, well, I coulda done better. The snacking after dinner habit is a thing of the past and was actually not all that difficult to give up, surprisingly. As for something as simple as drinking enough water in a day, I have been ridiculously lazy about that. I don't know WHY that should be so tough for me, but I still just don't get enough into my system. I think what would really be helpful is just investing in a Camelbak so that it's on my person all day long. The exercise portion of the goals has been nil. Unless you count chasing after 3 young children all day long. And I do. But I know it's not enough.
Tonight I got up my gumption and went for my first run (of what I hope is many). I finally began to understand my runner friends. It felt AMAZING to be outdoors doing something so good for myself. I was pathetically tired by the end, but it's a start! I'm using the Couch Potato to 5K program so what's even MORE pathetic is that I didn't even run for more than a minute at a time. For the first couple run/walk cycles I was all, "What? I could do this all DAY, punk!" and by the end I was all, *wheeze*- *cough*- *sweat*. (Ok that's a slight exaggeration but only slight.) However, I definitely had a small sense of that euphoria and adrenaline, and I'm excited to see how long I can keep it up! Speaking optimistically, hopefully it's the start of a healthier new me. Stay tuned.
So to recap: one out of three health goals accomplished. For now I'm going to stick to just two and try to whip into shape my drinking and exercising habits. So check back in 6 weeks to see how Julie is doing on:
A) Drinking approx. 64 oz of H2O per day &
B) Exercising 4 x/week

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Love Story

In honor of my 12th wedding anniversary (which today marks, incidentally) I thought I would present to you...our story.

Rewind all the way back to 1989. 6th grade. James's and my elementary schools merged into one junior high, and thus began our history. While James really didn't even know I existed (a fact about which I like to give him endless grief), the hottie across the orchestra room (sorry, honey, it's out now. Yes, my man did, indeed, play the cello) was not lost on me. I harbored a crush on the cello-playing, spectacle-sporting cutie who didn't know I existed through the ensuing years, and at our 8th grade skating party I finally worked up the nerve to ask him to, you guessed it, skate. But lo, it was not yet to be. Out on the glossy rink was my crush, hands linked with another 8th grade female (whom I immediately loathed). Fast forward to the spring of our sophomore year. Thanks to our typing class seating arrangement (yes typing! We were the last class not to have computers) a whole lotta flirting started going on (ie: jabs made at my excessive need for the correction fluid). And finally (no, really, FINALLY - the following FALL), thanks to some help from my BFF, Robyn, James asked me out. And ever thereafter we were an "item". High school sweethearts. Aside from a couple of kinda laughable breakups (is it really considered a breakup when it lasts for 2 days and you talk on the phone that entire time?).

We did the whole long distance thing for a year and a half in college, after which time I threw in the towel on THAT whole deal and transferred to Trinity.

On August 8, before our junior year, James took me on a dinner cruise aboard the "Spirit of Chicago". As I had been putting on the pressure pretty heavily to get married (and truly, what a testament to the love of my guy that he would put up with an 18-year-old girlfriend whining about getting MARRIED! It really is absurd when I see it in print like that), I felt confident that this was THE big night - the proposal! The romance was a bit squelched as we had to share our table with another couple, but, not to be deterred, I took every opportunity to pull James onto the upper deck so he would not have to miss his opportunity! However, as we docked back at Navy Pier I came to the disappointing, nay, devastating realization that no ring would be placed upon my finger that night. Dejected, I allowed my boyfriend to lead me back through the streets of Chicago to our waiting vehicle. So disheartened was I, that I was taken completely off-guard when he stopped in front of a horse and carriage and secured us a ride! My brain clouded by shock, I honestly didn't even see it coming (but you do, don't you?) - the proposal. Simple and perfect. Beneath the moon (and skyscraper) - lit skies. A ring on my finger. The words: "I love you. Will you marry me?" (I should point out here that James was pretty darn proud of himself at this moment. Due to the aforementioned incessant marriage talk he wasn't sure he could pull off any sort of surprise on my part.)

We wed in June of 1998, and what a celebration it was! Nearly 10 years in the making for me. :) Admittedly, I have the worst memory of almost anyone I know, but I clearly remember the joy I felt that day. Not just over marrying my love and best friend but also for having so many friends and family around us with which to celebrate. We were young, yes, and have had a lot to learn, OH yes. But when I look back and see how much we have grown and how God has matured us, and having shared that with one another, well, I can say without hesitation that I love James more today than I ever could have imagined loving him 12 years ago. I won't say there haven't been rough or painful moments, but in large part we have been spared from tragedy and heartbreak. Which, in this life, means that it's still coming - that's not pessimism, it's just real. But who better to face those moments with than the man who has already been a part of every great joy I've experienced in the past 17 years? Not to mention with the God who brought him to me. I am filled with both fear and excitement at what the future holds for our family. And when I look back over the history we have already, it's largely excitement. And gratitude for what's behind AND ahead.

(Side note: We realized that this year, including our years spent dating, we have known each other over half our lives. Yowza.)