Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reality Check

Boy, there's nothing like a little journey through the blogosphere to get one's perspective back in shape. The other night I did just that. You know how it goes: you're on a friend's blog, and over to the right are other blogs they read, so you click on one, and then you find on that person's page another blog and so on and so forth. Through this labyrinth of strangers' personal lives I came across shattering examples of the fallenness of our world: a child lost to a tragic accident, babies born at 24 weeks and, a year later, still struggling to overcome the complications accompanying that, a woman widowed in her 20s, and the list could go on. Of course, there are many joyful occasions that people have blogged about out there too, but some of these more heart-wrenching stories have been sticking with me. At the risk of sounding insensitive, I just have to say in all honesty that it gave me a good dose of perspective. All of you people out there who are willing to share your stories, both pleasant and painful, help me to keep in check with reality: that life is one day at a time and at some point life will most certainly be on the more painful end of the spectrum, so these days that hold, overall, joy, should be cherished. And those things that seem so tough to me right now? Maybe handled with a little more grace and a little less whining on my blog. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so true Julie. A little over a year ago, I was reading 9 different cancer blogs. The youngest of which was a 6 year old little girl. All of them have lost their battle. How brave to share such an intimate story with whoever happens to fall onto your page. It is humbling and a neat way of hearing about different peoples lives. On the upside, every single one of the 9 blogs that I read were Christian. To think that one day I will talk to them in heaven is amazing! Keep posting hon. You never know who your story touches.

Love you!