Monday, November 2, 2009

The Halloween Scrooge Reforms....sort of

I will admit that I had a tiny bit of fun on Halloween this year. I still think it's a weird holiday and am wildly uncomfortable with going to stranger's homes and begging for candy (or, in this case, allowing my children to beg for candy). I don't know. Whatever. They were freakin' cute in any case.

It was a whole lot more fun to hand out candy. Rather, it was a whole lot more fun to watch Jeran hand out candy. Each piece was accompanied by an exuberant "hi" and "have a great Halloween!". The social butterfly strikes again.
James and I had our own brand of Halloween fun at our first ever adult Halloween party. Hil-a-ri-ous. The pictures say it all. Is anyone else dork enough to know who we are? I'll give you a hint: boondoggle keychains, moon boots, and loud sighing. It was a flippin' sweet time.


Jess said...

Oh my gosh! I just might steal this idea next year- you even take pictures exactly like them! Who was Pedro????

Julie said...

I considered being Pedro. And Kip. haha - It was funny. James tried to stay in character all night.