Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Littlest Boy

Heading to bed at 1 a.m. the Saturday before Labor Day I realized it was a year to the MINUTE that we had discovered we were pregnant with Grayson (yes, I took a pregnancy test at one in the morning. Just one of many unexplainable behaviors I've exhibited in my lifetime). I recall staring in groggy disbelief at that crazy little pee-stick, and then doing my husband the privilege of sharing my shock by awakening him with a loudly whispered, "Hey - babe. Wake up. I'm pregnant." To his credit, he handled it VERY graciously. Now here we are a year later, and I CANNOT imagine our family without his squealing, grinning self (see photo above. Couldn't you eat him with a spoon?) His dad and brothers are deeply in love with him as well. Granted, the first three months weren't pretty around here, but what's past is past.

These days Grayson occupies himself with the previously mentioned smiling and squealing, as well as a lot of other typical baby activities such as drooling and spitting up. He's also had rolling over mastered for about 3 weeks, and now takes some great naps since he can safely be on his tummy. The nighttime is still a challenge. Lately he wakes up a couple of times each night, and I find myself tempted to spew a few profanities before tending to his needs, but I practice self-control and bite my tongue. When he looks up and grins as I lean over to pick him up all that irritation melts away anyway. When he's awake he loves to exercise his legs in the exersaucer, roll around, practice holding onto (and chewing) things, and just in general be adorable.

We visited the dr. a couple of weeks ago, and he is at a whopping 90th percentile on the height chart (26 1/4 in.) and 75th on the weight (15 lbs. 12 oz). All in all he is a wonderful, healthy baby, and we praise God for completing our family with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you SERIOUSE?! I remember when you told me about greysons conception moment--and it's been that long already? I think i just saw you with him for the first time a few months ago..my gosh? And he's your 'baby'--ur 'last boy' of the boys-- ooooh yeah...:) Spoilage!? I luv that you're a momma to all this testosterone. God must have known that you would be able to keep it all in check when they get bigger and start being little men..who want to start dating and shouting crazy things from car windows---yup. As I said, what do you want to be when your boys grow up? :) luv roobs